Project summary:
The project is implemented under the Development Programme Manager of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania for the period 2021-2030, under the Development Programme Progress Measure No 12-001-01-02-01 “Strengthening innovation ecosystems in science centres” activity “Support for identified R&D start-up projects and feasibility studies with institutional roadmaps for successful participation in the calls of the European Union’s research and innovation programme “European Horizon””.
During this project, preparatory work for the acquisition of the necessary knowledge for the preparation of the application according to the future call of the HORIZON-EURATOM program: “Safety of operating nuclear power plants and research reactors” in the context of an interdisciplinary project would be carried out. According to EURATOM’s call, an application will be submitted for research aimed at improving existing assessment methodologies in defective nuclear power plant components. The project will carry out experimental and numerical studies in the production of materials used in nuclear reactor components. The developed more accurate defect assessment methodology will allow for a more accurate assessment of the danger of defects, which directly affects the determination of the durability of nuclear power plants. Since the age of nuclear power plants operated in the European Union is approaching the end of their design age, the aim is to extend their operation. The methodology developed during the project would contribute to justifying the extension of operation of nuclear reactors.
Fracture, durability, numerical evaluation of defects
Project ID: CPVA 10-038-T-0094
Project budget: 28 670,65 EUR (LEI part: 28 670,65 EUR)
Coordinator: Viešoji įstaiga Centrinė projektų valdymo agentūra (CPVA), Lithuania.
- Lietuvos energetikos institutas (LEI), Lithuania.
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Egidijus Babilas | 431-AK | +37037401850 | Egidijus.Babilas@lei.lt |
Project Team |
Gintautas Dundulis | 434-AK | +37037401918 | Gintautas.Dundulis@lei.lt |
Remigijus Janulionis | 434-AK | +37037401918 | Remigijus.Janulionis@lei.lt |
Marijus Šeporaitis | 17-BRK | +37037401921 | Marijus.Seporaitis@lei.lt |