The objective of the project Testing an R&D idea – Numerical study of thermohydraulic processes in Small Modular Reactors (No. 10-038-T-0127) is to prepare and application proposal for the EURATOM programe calls for proposals in the framework of an interdisciplinary project.
This project is a preparatory work for the acquisition of the necessary knowledge for the preparation of the interdisciplinary project application in the framework of the HORIZON-EURATOM programme “Safety of light water small modular reactors (LW-SMRs)”. The objective of the project is to prepare a model of a European light water small modular reactor for the ASTEC software package, which will be used for the study of both the reactor and the containment processes. In order to prepare for an international application, the project will optimise the performance of the model, investigate the limits of the model’s applicability, simulate selected accidents and prepare for the simulation of various other accident scenarios.
The project is implemented under the Development Programme Manager of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania for the period 2021-2030, under the Development Programme Progress Measure No 12-001-01-02-01 “Strengthening innovation ecosystems in science centres” activity “Support for identified R&D start-up projects and feasibility studies with institutional roadmaps for successful participation in the calls of the European Union’s research and innovation programme “European Horizon””.
Project ID: CPVA 10-038-T-0127
Project budget: 29537,88 EUR
Coordinator: Central Project Management Agency (CPVA), Lithuania.
- Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI), Lithuania.
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Tomas Kačegavičius | 250-AK | +37037401836 | Tomas.Kacegavicius@lei.lt |
Project Team |
Mantas Povilaitis | 254-AK | +37037401920 | Mantas.Povilaitis@lei.lt |
Mindaugas Valinčius | 255-AK | +37037401922 | Mindaugas.Valincius@lei.lt |