– Advanced understanding of the status and capabilities of multi-physics/multi-scale simulation tools in modeling propagation and consequences of severe accidents in advanced WCRs;
– Improved modeling of severe accidents based on multi-physics/multi-scaln
Foster national excellence and promote international collaboration among IAEA Member States through an exercise to elevate the ability and sophistication of global severe accident code users and participation in benchmark calculations.
The CRP will be implemented as a programmatic activity of the IAEA Project “Technology development for water cooled reactors” starting with the IAEA Programme and Budget Cycle 2018-2019, (Task 2018.09, CRP2172). Many objectives of the Project are to increase cooperation by Member States on technology development for advanced reactors, improve economics and safety through information exchange, cooperative research, collaborative assessments and sharing of expertise, as well as to provide technology training materials for the next generation of nuclear professionals. Given its overall objective, the CRP clearly responds to the objectives of the IAEA Project
Specific objectives
Review of the advancement in uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for severe accident codes across the Member States
Develop high level recommendations on uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for severe accident codes with the intent of capturing best practices and lessons learned
Training of early-career engineers and scientists, and establishing opportunities for PhD dissertations; develop workshops and training and education courses
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Tadas Kaliatka | 415-AK | +37037401911 | Tadas.Kaliatka@lei.lt |
Project Team |
Algirdas Kaliatka | 223-AK | +37037401903 | Algirdas.Kaliatka@lei.lt |
Mindaugas Valinčius | 255-AK | +37037401922 | Mindaugas.Valincius@lei.lt |
Virginijus Vileiniškis | 251-AK | +37037401928 | Virginijus.Vileiniskis@lei.lt |