Realising a Fusion Power Plant

LocationWolfson College, University of Oxford

Realising a Fusion Power Plant 

Two day conference
8 & 9 November 2017 Wolfson College, University of Oxford

Read more and place your booking here
Provisional programme available here

*This programme is indicative.  Circumstances may occur that prevent as published participation and could lead to a slight speaker or topic alteration

Co-hosted by the Nuclear Institute and the UK Atomic Energy Authority this two-day conference will feature leading speakers from the industry and academia presenting on the future of energy production.

Delegates will learn how close we are to Realising a Fusion Power Plant and be part of the conversation on the biggest technical challenges and latest progress.

Speakers from the fusion research programme, industry and academia will bring you up to date with the latest progress in the biggest technical challenges – heating a gas of fuels to 150 million degrees C; exhausting immense heat loads, devising neutron resistant structural materials and making the whole thing remotely maintainable.

This conference includes an exclusive opportunity to take a technical tour of JET and the UKAEAs new robotics and materials research facilities. Don’t miss the chance to learn about the future of energy production.

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Upcoming Dates for this event

  • Wed 08 Nov 2017
  • Wed 01 Nov 2017
  • Wolfson College, University of Oxford, , Oxford