The RenOnBill consortium is kindly inviting to its final conference Towards the future of on-bill and other innovative financing schemes for energy renovation of residential buildings, that will be held on April 5, 2022 at the Double Tree Hotel in Brussels and online.
The RenOnBill final conference closes three years of achievement and results in the field of innovative financing schemes for energy renovation of residential buildings. The programme will tell the story of this H2020 research and innovation project, highlighting main results and preparing the floor for the exploitation of the outputs, with external guests sharing their views and experience.
The first session will give an introduction on the project and on-bill schemes, highlight the impact on-bill schemes and other innovative financing schemes could have on the targets of the current EU policy framework (Renovation Wave, Fitfor55, etc.), and present best-practice from abroad.
The second session will deep dive into the exploitable results of RenOnBill, with presentations on the experiences of the three pilot utilities of the project, and on the way forward from the policy and commercial perspectives.
Both sections will be closed by panel discussions to allow for interactivity with the audience on spot and online.
The event will be in English.
Date: 5 April 2022, 9:00-13:30 CET
Place: The event will be hybrid. It will be held at the Double Tree hotel in Brussels and online. For those who will follow the event online, you will receive the details to join the live streaming a few days before the event.
Session 1: Introduction to on-bill and other innovative financing schemes and to RenOnBill
- 8:30 Welcome coffee
- 09:00 – 09:15 Welcome and introduction on RenOnBill and on-bill schemes – David Pérez, Creara
- 09:15 – 09:30 Welcome speech – Christophe Milin, Project Officer (tbc)
- 09:30 – 9:45 On-bill schemes in the EU policy framework – MEP Tsvetelina PENKOVA (tbc)
- 9:45 – 10:00 On-bill schemes around the world, testimonies from the US – Steve Nadel, aceee (tbc)
- 10:00 Panel discussion
Christophe Milin, Project Officer (tbc)
MEP Tsvetelina PENKOVA (tbc)
Steve Nadel (Aceee) (tbc)
Mariangiola Fabbri (BPIE)
Savannah ALTVATER (Retail policy officer, Eurelectric) (tbc)
Paolo Michele Sonvilla, adelphi (tbc) - 10:30 Coffee break
Session 2: The RenOnBill experience and the way forward
- 10:45 Methodology and tool behind the RenOnBill pilots Vincenzo Bianco, UNIGE
- 11:15 On-bill schemes in the EU put into practice Presentations from the three RenOnBill partner utilities Feníe (ES), Bluenergy (IT), Kauno Energija (LT)
- 11:45 Strategic and regulatory recommendations on the way forward – Ivan Jankovic, BPIE
- 12:00 Panel discussion
3 RenOnBill utilities
Ivan Jankovic, BPIE
Isidoro Tapia, European Investment Bank (tbc)
Joost Declerck, Belfius Bank (BE)
Vincenzo Bianco (UNIGE) - 12:25 Conclusion David Pérez, Creara
- 12:30 Lunch and networking
- 13:30 END
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No #847056.