LEI joins the European Small Modular Reactor Industry Alliance

29-30 May. Dr Sigitas Rimkevičius, Director of the LEI, participated in the 1st meeting of the General Assembly of the European Industrial Alliance on Small Modular Reactors organised by the European Commission. The Alliance was set up by the European Commission in cooperation with SNETP and nucleareurope. The Alliance was very well attended, with 240 representatives attending the General Assembly in person and another 140 joining remotely. The Alliance aims to accelerate the development, demonstration and deployment of the first Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in Europe by the early 2030s. The Alliance will develop a technology roadmap by the end of 2024 and a strategic action plan by Q1 2025.

The Alliance has 277 members, including the Lithuanian Energy Institute. A total of 24 MMR projects have been proposed, covering 5 technologies. The Alliance will operate through projects targeting specific selected MMR. Project promoters will submit detailed project descriptions by the end of June this year. The Alliance Board will assess and select suitable projects by September 2024, for which project teams will be established. The selected projects will be supported by eight Alliance technical working groups. In order to ensure the efficient operation and management of the working groups, it is recommended that each Alliance member participates in no more than 2-3 working groups. Four working groups will start in June this year and the others no later than October this year. The Lithuanian Energy Institute has requested to be involved in the MMR Technical Working Groups on Technology, Research and Innovation, Nuclear Safety and Waste Management.