The project addresses the following issue:
One of the challenges currently facing the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania is the lack of capacity and incentives to prepare international R&D proposals, as outlined in Progress Measure 12-001-01-02-01 of the Science Development Programme. This project will address the aforementioned issue by conducting information gathering, preparatory research, and partner search activities to assist in the preparation of the application and obtain the necessary knowledge for the preparation of the application in the framework of the HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2 call. -02-03 (Size & weight reduction of cell and packaging of batteries system, integrating lightweight and functional materials, innovative thermal management and safe and sustainable by design approach (Batt4EU Partnership)) of the European Horizon Programme, in the framework of a multidisciplinary project. The project to be submitted under this call of the European Horizon Programme is related to the optimisation of micro-channel cooling for batteries or fuel cells, with the objective of achieving optimal thermo-hydraulic efficiency. The project objectives align with the HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-02-03 call, which encourages the inclusion of innovative thermal management solutions to enhance performance under all operating conditions and during fast charging. The development of safe designs with integrated heat dissipation solutions will aim to improve safety throughout the lifetime of the batteries and in the event of failures. This project will investigate the flow structure of the heat transfer fluid in cooling micro-channels. The project is aligned with the actions outlined in the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania’s progress measure No 12-001-01-02-01, “Strengthen Innovation Ecosystems in Science Centres” This measure provides the strategic framework for the Development Programme for the period 2021-2030. This project has been designed with the specific aim of facilitating the realisation of Strategic Objective 1 of the National Progress Plan, which is to “transition towards a sustainable economic development model based on scientific knowledge, advanced technologies, innovations and enhance the international competitiveness of the country”. Furthermore, it is aligned with the initiatives set out in the 18th Government Programme of the Republic of Lithuania, as follows: 1.5.3 The objective is to prepare and implement an action plan for accelerating Lithuania’s participation in the EU Research and Innovation Programme, ‘Horizon Europe’.
LEI activities in the Project
- Developing the necessary competences and preparing the preparation of the proposal
This activity will test the feasibility of the idea itself and prepare the search for international partners and the preparation of the proposal by assessing the potential contribution to the scope of the work packages proposed for the HORIZON proposal. - Identification of international partners
This activity will establish contacts with companies in other countries active in the field of battery and battery pack development and R&D activities focused on the control and management of the thermal regime of batteries.
Microchannels, Flow Structure, Battery cooling
Project ID: CPVA 10-038-T-0090
Project budget: 29 985,44 EUR
Coordinator: Viešoji įstaiga Centrinė projektų valdymo agentūra (CPVA), Lithuania.
- Lietuvos energetikos institutas (LEI), Lithuania.
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Raimondas Pabarčius | 424-AK | +37037401919 | Raimondas.Pabarcius@lei.lt |
Project Team |
Justina Jaseliūnaitė | 15-BRK | +37037401833 | Justina.Jaseliunaite@lei.lt |
Stasys Gasiūnas | 17-BRK | +37037401921 | Stasys.Gasiunas@lei.lt |
Marijus Šeporaitis | 17-BRK | +37037401921 | Marijus.Seporaitis@lei.lt |