26th January 2018, 13:00 h.
Lithuanian Energy Institute (202, Breslaujos g. 3, Kaunas)
will defend PhD thesis
„Modification of expanded polystyrene surface and bulk characteristics using silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide compounds“
(Technological Sciences, Energetics and Power Engineering – 06T)
Scientific supervisor: Dr. Darius MILČIUS
(Lithuanian Energy Institute, Technological Sciences, Energetics and Power Engineering – 06T).
Dissertation Defense Board of Energetics and Power Engineering Science Field:
- Dr. Egidijus URBONAVIČIUS – Chairman
(Lithuanian Energy Institute, Technological Sciences, Energetics and Power Engineering – 06T); - Prof. Dr. Habil. Vytautas Martinaitis
(Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Technological Sciences, Energetics and Power Engineering – 06T); - Prof. Dr. Habil. Arturs MEDVIDS
(Riga Technical University, Physical Sciences, Physics – 02P); - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saulius MICKEVIČIUS
(Vytautas Magnus University, Physical Sciences, Physics – 02P); - Prof. Dr. Habil. Gintautas MILIAUSKAS
(Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Energetics and Power Engineering – 06T).
The doctoral dissertation is available at the library of Kaunas University of Technology (K. Donelaičio g. 20,Kaunas)
Reviews to be submitted to doktorantura@ktu.lt
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is cheap, light, non-toxic, non-reactive and relatively easy manufactured material. EPS consumption is growing rapidly every year in the whole world. This growth is closely related to buildings insulation and packing industries. However, EPS is flammable material. Moreover, the most utilized flame retardants, which are used in EPS manufacture process, emits toxic compounds to atmosphere when it is in contact with flame. Also, sterility and protection against bacterial infection of packed materials is very important in medicine or food packing industry.
The aim of this work was to create a new SiO2 and TiO2 additives incorporation into the bulk and thin films formation on the surface of expanded polystyrene methods using low temperature plasma technology in order to increase bacteria inactivation, heat resistant and reduce moisture absorption of expanded polystyrene foam.
During this work, surface and bulk characteristics, resistance to high temperature, resistance to compression, antibacterial and moisture absorption characteristics of modified EPS were analysed. Results showed that low temperature plasma technologies are suitable for thin films formation on the surface of EPS. EPS with SiO2 films increase its resistant to high temperature, while EPS with TiO2 films shows antibacterial characteristics. Incorporated SiO2 or TiO2 additives into EPS could change its moisture absorption or resistance to compression characteristics.
- Summary of the dissertation
- Dissertation (in Lithuanian)