International projects

Nordic Energy Research Programme (NERP)

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The increasing consumerism leads to rising amounts of plastic waste, and it is estimated that 6.3 billion tons of this waste were generated globally up to 2018. Plastic waste is a higMore


Impacts of ambitious energy policy pathways (Amber) project will analyse energy policy pathways for the Baltic countries until 2050. The analysis will consider national and EU energy More

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Public summary (Research questions, analytical and practical approach) The 5th Generation District Heating and Cooling (5GDHC) network has great advantages in integration of low teMore

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Establishment of Nordic-Baltic PhD and researcher mobility network in the field of the bioenergy (REMONET-Bioenergy) NERP (Nordic Energy Programme). Period of project implementatiMore

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This project will explore how the Nordic and Baltic countries can develop better and more extensive energy scenarios in the primary cases of Denmark, Latvia and Lithuania. The projMore

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The FasTen project will explore the potential to accelerate the decarbonisation of the Baltic States in the next 5-15 years. The project aims to “promote energy research and analysis More


The goal of the Climate and Energy Systems project is to look at climate impacts closer in time and assess the development of the Nordic electricity system for the next 20-30 years. TMore


This is a research network of 12 research group in the Nordic countries, including Baltic and Northwest Russia. The goal is to synthesize, characterize and model new materials thatMore