On 26-27 January 2023 the kick-off meeting of the project “REplicable, interoperable, cross-sector solutions and Energy services for demand side FLEXibility markets (REEFLEX)” took place in Zaragoza, Spain.
REEFLEX aims to generate niches of opportunities for new cross-sector energy services provided by SMEs and start-ups in demand side flexibility markets and to increase participation of energy consumers in demand side flexibility markets. The project develops a central interoperability platform and a catalogue of services with the capability of maximising distributed energy resources’ flexibility while respecting the different end user profiles and needs along with the physical limitations of existing infrastructures.
The Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI), starting in January 2023 together with 26 other organisations is participating in the new project of the latest EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation “Horizon Europe”.
During the kick-off meeting, the project coordinator, the Energy Resources and Consumption Research Centre of the Circe Foundation, gave an overview of the project, its technical design, challenges, objectives and the main aspects of the evaluation report. A verbal presentation of each organisation took place. Representatives of the Lithuanian Energy Institute Rolandas Urbonas and Aušra Pažėraitė attended the meeting. Mr Urbonas presented the LEI’s main activities, capacities, experience and main interests and activities in the REEFLEX project. The leaders of the work packages presented the activities foreseen in the work packages to the project participants.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101096192.