Conference paper
International projects
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

Fibre Reinforced Cement (FRC) is a durable, fire and corrosion resistant material widely used in the construction industry. Coupled with the low cost of Portland cement, these propertMore
Main objective of the Researcher night 2011 is to enhancing public recognition of researchers and their work, through bringing public and researchers closer to one other, tackling theMore
Baltic Research Programme

The project seeks to develop specialized concrete for the long-term storage of hazardous waste, which can be immobilized in concrete containers or directly in the concrete mass. DeMore
Projects in Lithuania
EU Structural Funds

Lietuvos energetikos institutas įgyvendina projektą „Kompetencijos centro MTEP veiklų vykdymas, sukuriant ir išbandant inovatyvų dujinių biodegalų gamybos prototipą“ Nr. 01.2.2-CPMore
Other projects in Lithuania
This project brought together five scientific institutions - Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU), VGTU Institute of Thermal Insulation (VGTU-TI), Lithuanian Energy InstituteMore