UAB Enerstena together with its partner Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is implementing the project “Multifunctional Biomass Energy Technologies (MultiBET)”, No. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856-01-0183.
The aim of the project is to expand the R&D infrastructure of UAB Enerstena and to carry out R&D activities in order to develop and commercialise innovative products.
Taking into account the latest global trends in renewable energy and the circular economy, a new generation of biomass energy technologies and equipment will be developed. More than 40 researchers will be involved in the project’s research and experimental development activities.
The project will develop 4 innovative products: FlexiFurn – a multifunctional biofuel fuel bed, RedCorr – a multifunctional emission and corrosion reduction technology, RedDust – a multifunctional filtration system for solid and gaseous pollutants and AgroFlame – a multifunctional agro-fuel burner. The outstanding feature of all the products under development is their multifunctionality. They will include the ability to burn a wide range of biofuels, to produce not only heat but also higher value-added products from biomass, multi-stage combustion process control methods and efficient combustion product cleaning technologies. All of these installations will be offered to customers after three years.
Four laboratories of the Lithuanian Energy Institute are contributing to the project: Laboratory of Heat-Equipment Research and Testing, Laboratory of Combustion Processes, Laboratory of Materials Research and Testing and the Center for Hydrogen Energy Technologies.
Project financing:
The project is financed from the European Regional Development Fund
Project budget – € 1 942 181,92
Allocated funding – € 1 246 440,38)
Start of project activities: 29 June 2020
End of project activities: 28 June 2023
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Nerijus Striūgas | 101-LK | +37037401877 | Nerijus.Striugas@lei.lt |
Project Team |
Nerijus Pedišius | |||
Marius Praspaliauskas | 87-BRK | +37037401951 | Marius.Praspaliauskas@lei.lt |
Tomas Vonžodas | 89-BRK | +37037401825 | Tomas.Vonzodas@lei.lt |
Egidijus Lemanas | 89-BRK | +37037401825 | Egidijus.Lemanas@lei.lt |
Mindaugas Kulokas | 205-LK | +37037401864 | Mindaugas.Kulokas@lei.lt |
Vladas Zaleskas | 205-LK | +37037401864 | Vladas.Zaleskas@lei.lt |
Kęstutis Zakarauskas | 105-LK | +37037401830 | Kestutis.Zakarauskas@lei.lt |
Raminta Skvorčinskienė | 104-LK | +37037401881 | Raminta.Skvorcinskiene@lei.lt |
Vidas Makarevičius | 135-LK | +37037401907 | Vidas.Makarevicius@lei.lt |
Arūnas Baltušnikas | 136-LK | +37037401906 | Arunas.Baltusnikas@lei.lt |
Stasė-Irena Lukošiūtė | |||
Rita Kriūkienė | 134-LK | +37037401907 | Rita.Kriukiene@lei.lt |
Šarūnas Varnagiris | 301-LK | +37037401824 | Sarunas.Varnagiris@lei.lt |
Simona Tučkutė | 306-LK | +37037401916 | Simona.Tuckute@lei.lt |