Scientific article
Conference paper
Popular science article
International projects
Horizon 2020

REEEM AIMS to gain a clear and comprehensive understanding of the system-wide implications of energy strategies in support of transitions to a competitive low-carbon EU energy societyMore

The region of the European Union around the Baltic sea especially the countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are not adequately integrated to the European electricity grid. At the enMore
Nordic Energy Research Programme (NERP)

This project will explore how the Nordic and Baltic countries can develop better and more extensive energy scenarios in the primary cases of Denmark, Latvia and Lithuania. The projMore
The main idea of the project is to improve the prediction of electricity consumption with the aim to increase the efficiency of electricity use. The prediction will be improved by takMore
Projects in Lithuania
Research Council of Lithuania projects

The project aims to create and apply in the Lithuanian case an import diversification and economic impact assessment system. This system will contribute to shaping the country's policMore