Irena Alėbaitė

Laboratory of Energy Systems Research (31)
Junior research associate
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Scientific article



Štreimikienė D. [LEI], Baležentis T., Alėbaitė I. [LEI]. Climate Change Mitigation in Households between Market Failures and Psychological Barriers In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2020, Vol. 13, No. 11, 2797, p. 1-20. ISSN 1996-1073.


Duda J., Gasior A., Alėbaitė I. [LEI]. Innovation of Polish Micro and Small Enterprises and Trade Credit In: Transformations in Business & Economics. 2017, Vol. 16, No. 3 (42), p. 89-108. ISSN 1648-4460.


Lobont O. R., Nicolescu A.K., Lapugean (Ignat) C.-R., Alėbaitė I. [LEI]. Is cultural diversity a determinant of the entrepreneurial activity? In: Transformations in business & economics. Kaunas: Vilniaus universitetas Kauno fakultetas, 2015, Vol. 14, No. 2B, p. 332-354. ISSN 1648-4460.

Conference paper


Galinis A. [LEI], Alėbaitė I. [LEI], Neniškis E. [LEI]. Šalies centralizuoto šilumos tiekimo sistemos plėtra In: Šilumos energetika ir technologijos - 2015: konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2015 sausio 29-30 . Kaunas: Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2015, p. 70-78. ISSN 2335-2485.

Popular science article


Miškinis V. [LEI], Galinis A. [LEI], Konstantinavičiūtė I. [LEI], Lekavičius V. [LEI], Alėbaitė I. [LEI]. Atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių plėtros Lietuvoje tendencijos In: Šiluminė technika. Vilnius: Lietuvos šilumos tiekëjų (LŠTA) ir Lietuvos šiluminës technikos inžinierių (LŠTIA) asociacijų žurnalas, 2018, Nr. 1 (73), p. 12-17. ISSN 1392-4346.

International projects

Horizon 2020


REEEM AIMS to gain a clear and comprehensive understanding of the system-wide implications of energy strategies in support of transitions to a competitive low-carbon EU energy societyMore


The region of the European Union around the Baltic sea especially the countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are not adequately integrated to the European electricity grid. At the enMore

Nordic Energy Research Programme (NERP)

Nordic Energy Research logo thumbnail image

This project will explore how the Nordic and Baltic countries can develop better and more extensive energy scenarios in the primary cases of Denmark, Latvia and Lithuania. The projMore

Projects in Lithuania

Research Council of Lithuania projects

Lietuvos mokslo taryba

The project aims to create and apply in the Lithuanian case an import diversification and economic impact assessment system. This system will contribute to shaping the country's policMore