Popular science article
International projects
Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)
Central and Eastern European electricity sectors in general deficit of knowledge on newest technologies on co-firing of biomass with fossil fuels, impact of co-firing on the plant itsMore
Fifth Framework Programme (FP5)
Standards are seen as a major measure to develop the markets for solid bio fuels to achieve the environmental, social and agricultural goals of the Commission. On this background the More

To compensate the variability and non-controllability of seasonally generated renewable energy (RES) (daily fluctuations in solar radiation intensity, wind speed, etc.) development ofMore

LowTemp 2.0 trained district heating stakeholders to improve their skills in reducing energy waste. Project summary Modernisation of district heating systems (DHS) is in full swMore

In the project "Baltic Energy Areas – A Planning Perspective" (BEA-APP) 11 partners from eight countries around the Baltic Sea cooperate to support the transition towards low-carbon eMore

The Baltic Sea Region, with its agricultural and forest resources, has great potential to fulfil EU objectives for biomass heat, power and fuel production. However, sustainable bioeneMore
Intelligent Energy Europe
The project was set-up to lay the ground for an extended use of decentralised and sustainable energy actions of the European Cohesion Programmes after 2006. Starting from the favourabMore