Scientific article
Popular science article
International projects
Horizon 2020

EPATEE (Evaluation Into Practice to Achieve Targets for Energy Efficiency) is an EU funded project which is aims to give EU Member States tools and knowledge for a better evaluation oMore

MultEE aims to improve the ease and quality of energy efficiency (EE) policy planning and implementation in the project’s partner countries and beyond, addressing the challenges of evMore
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

The project aims to enhance existing product and process design systems with features that will enable engineers to: design single discrete manufacturing processes in the optimalMore
Fifth Framework Programme (FP5)

OPET is the Network of Organization for the Promotion of Energy Technologies in European Union and other countries with focus on the development of a market for non-nuclear energy tecMore

In the project "Baltic Energy Areas – A Planning Perspective" (BEA-APP) 11 partners from eight countries around the Baltic Sea cooperate to support the transition towards low-carbon eMore
Intelligent Energy Europe
The project was set-up to lay the ground for an extended use of decentralised and sustainable energy actions of the European Cohesion Programmes after 2006. Starting from the favourabMore
DEXA-MCP extends and applies the 'Motor Challenge' programme to increase the use of energy efficient electric motor systems in the European industry. Electrical motor systems - e.g. fMore