An application of solvent and thermal treatment to recover materials from photovoltaic module encapsulated with polyolefin elastomer

Stakeholder engagement for inclusive climate impact attribution studies

The role of CFD combustion modelling in hydrogen safety management — IX: Validation of ETFC model implementation in flameFoam for large-scale hydrogen-air-steam deflagration

CFD and experimental insights into natural convection in symmetrically heated vertical cylinders for renewable energy accumulation

Co-Pyrolysis of Plastic Waste and Lignin: A Pathway for Enhanced Hydrocarbon Recovery

The Influence of Air Flow Rates and Voltage on the Plasma Emission Spectra and the Concentrations of Nitrogen Oxides Produced by Gliding Arc Discharge Plasma

Comparison of the influence of additives on the melting behaviour of wheat straw and fibre hemp ash

Catalytic reforming of tar for enhancing hydrogen production from gasification of hazardous medical waste

Transforming textile waste into alternative fuel by thermochemical methods: A mini-review

Numerical simulation of low-cycle fatigue test of welded 9Cr-1Mo steel at 550 ◦C