Lietuvos kuro ir energijos balanso pokyčiai: biokuro vaidmuo energetikoje ir ekonomikoje
An application of solvent and thermal treatment to recover materials from photovoltaic module encapsulated with polyolefin elastomer
Digital transformation in energy systems: a comprehensive review of AI, IoT, blockchain, and decentralised energy models
Stakeholder engagement for inclusive climate impact attribution studies
The role of CFD combustion modelling in hydrogen safety management — IX: Validation of ETFC model implementation in flameFoam for large-scale hydrogen-air-steam deflagration
CFD and experimental insights into natural convection in symmetrically heated vertical cylinders for renewable energy accumulation
Energetinė nelygybė: iššūkiai kelyje klimatui neutralios visuomenės link
Результаты внедрения системы автоматической поддержки предельно низкого избытка воздуха в дымовых газах
Assigningdifferent activation functions in artificial neural networks with the goal of achieving higher prediction accuracy
Co-Pyrolysis of Plastic Waste and Lignin: A Pathway for Enhanced Hydrocarbon Recovery