Welcome to the 15th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change website. PROMITHEASnet – the Energy and Climate Change network, as the organizer, invites you to this three-days event (with physical presence and on live streaming attendance).
The 15th International Conference on “Energy and Climate Change” will take place on line due to the uncertainty that COVID-19 has imposed, but also with physical presence if conditions allow. The intention is to host it at the “Kostis Palamas” building of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, on 12-14 October 2022, in Athens, Greece. Requests will be sent so as to set it again under the auspices of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization and the United Nations Academic Impact initiative.
Conference of Three dimensions
This event addresses to policy and decision makers on issues of green energy investments, market stakeholders, scientists, academics, project leaders and consortia.
The first day is devoted to the “9th Green Energy Investments Forum“, the second day to the “Scientific papers” and the 3rd to the “Brokerage event“.
Each day is dedicated on different perspective of the energy and climate change policies, allowing in this way more focused presentations and discussions in the political, scientific and business views of the subject.
For more information visit the conference website at: