*Bavaria*Israel*Workshop: Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply on 17 July 2024
On 17 July 2024 , the Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Israel of the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) and the Israel-Europe R&I Directorate (ISERD) organize a joint workshop series on 3 “Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply” (Horizon Europe, Cluster 5, Destination 3).
The transition of the energy system will rely on reducing the overall energy demand and making the energy supply side climate neutral, in current and future climate conditions. R&I actions will help to make the energy supply side cleaner, more secure, and competitive by boosting cost performance and reliability of a broad portfolio of renewable energy solutions in line with societal needs and preferences. Topics under “Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply” (Horizon Europe, Cluster 5, Destination 3) support this transition and to contribute to the “Strategic Energy Technology Plan” which aims to accelerate the deployment of green technologies.
This online workshop focuses on selected topics from Destination 3 “Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply” (Horizon Europe, Cluster 5) and invites researchers from academia and R&D driven industry from Bavaria, Israel and other EU countries to explore new cooperation and network opportunities and to get comprehensive insights into how to start and coordinate a Horizon-Europe-proposal. The event is organized by experts of the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) and the Israel-Europe R&I Directorate (ISERD).
Parallel breakout sessions (choose one option):
- Breakout session 1: Next generation fuel technologies
- Breakout session 2: Innovative, Community-Integrated PV systems
What to expect? Among others, the workshop will address following questions: What are the goals EU Strategic Energy Technology Plan? How to address the selected topics? How to compose a convincing HEU- proposal? How to build a competitive consortium? Why (not) to become a HEU-coordinator? These and further questions will be addressed in our workshop session on July 17 2024.
Please note: The event is free of charge. In order to have a fruitful discussion during the working sessions, the number of participants is limited to max 12 participants per breakout session.
The full agenda can be found here.
The event is free of charge. Please register via the registration link or via email.
Date & Time:
17 July 2024 at 10:00-12:00 (CEST) | 11:00-13:00 (IDT)
The event will take place via Webex. Participants will receive the corresponding event link after registration.