Horizon Europe Brokerage Events 2023 – Event 5: New genomic techniques in the food system

VietaVirtualus renginys

Event 5

Don’t miss the opportunity to get involved in the next Horizon Europe 2023 proposals. Join our Horizon Europe Brokerage Events.

Event 5:

  • Topic: New genomic techniques in the food system  
  • Co-Funding opportunities by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India
  • Tuesday, 21 February 2023
  • Timing: 2:00 to 4:30pm Indian Time | 09:30am to 12:00pm Brussels Time
  • Virtual Event: Zoom (click here to register)
  • Agenda (see in Attachments below)

Register now here

The European Union and the Government of India (Department of Science & Technology (DST), Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), have agreed to join forces to jointly address the global challenges and to achieve climate neutrality. The Government of India will co-fund the successful Indian entities in 11 calls under Horizon Europe, of which 6 calls are open right now for submission of proposals.

This brokerage event on 21 February, 2:00-4:30pm IST is co-organised by the Delegation of the European Union to India and EURAXESS India in association with Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India (GoI) on Cluster 6 – new genomic techniques for traceability, transparency and innovation in the food system call:

  • HORIZON-CL6-2023-FARM2FORK-01-11: New detection methods on products derived from new genomic techniques for traceability, transparency and innovation in the food system (RIA)

This international networking event will help you to build your consortium for above call.


The event is free of charge but registration is mandatory to attend the event. When registering, please, indicate if you are having a Project idea & looking for expertise to form the consortium or what expertise you are offering of your interest.

Why participate

  • Get all information needed on the specific call.
  • Meet potential partners from Europe and India and start building your consortium.

Target audience

  • India: Any Central/State Government supported or recognized Public or Private universities, research and technology organizations, national/state funded R&D Labs;
  • Europe: Any applicant eligible to Horizon Europe calls: companies, universities, research and technology organizations, public sector, NGOs, hospitals, patients associations


Participants looking for partners or wish to be part of consortium will have a unique opportunity to present their organisations and ideas and/or expertise for project proposals in front of the audience in the form of a brief oral presentation (7 minutes max.).

For the presentation during the Flash Presentation session please use the recommendations included in this TEMPLATE.

Please note that:

Due to time constraints, the selection criteria will follow the next order or preference:

  1. Project ideas linked to specific topics (coordinator looking for partners)
  2. Expertise offer linked to specific topics (priority to widening countries* then first come first served basis).
  3. General expertise offer

Presentation order during the event will be in accordance to the date of reception of the final version of PowerPoint presentation and not the date of registration.

Deadline to submit your presentation: Friday, 17 February 2023

Register now here

Open until Friday, 17 February 2023