Dear colleague,
the Nuclear Society of Slovenia in association with the Jožef Stefan Institute, Reactor Engineering Division would like to remind you that the jubilee 30th Nuclear Energy for New Europe – NENE2021 that will be held in Bled, Slovenia, from September 6 to 9, 2021, is approaching.
The meeting of the Program Committee is behind us and the organisation of the conference is in full swing. See the preliminary conference program for the information on conference timetable (https://www.djs.si/nene2021/program.html).
You are kindly invited to register to the conference (https://www.djs.si/nene2021/registration.html) and book your accommodation (https://www.djs.si/nene2021/accommodation.html). Please also review the Covid-19 related information (https://www.djs.si/nene2021/covid.html).
Submission of full-length papers is due by August 23rd. Papers competing for the Young Authors Award should be submitted before August 10th. The instructions can be found on the NENE2021 conference website (https://www.djs.si/nene2021/).
For any queries, please contact us at nene2021@ijs.si.
We look forward to seeing you in Bled in September,
NENE2021 Organizing Committee