Sustainable Economy in Horizon Europe – International networking and matchmaking (INSE2022)
December 05-06, 2022, Warsaw or Online
This is an international event bringing together the world of science and business in Sustainable Economy, related to the Horizon Europe Framework Program. It is an opportunity to make contacts and receive support in obtaining funding under Pillar II of the HE program – Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, in the area of Cluster 4 – Digital Technologies, Industry and Space.
The conference will introduce the European Commission’s policies, the Processes4Planet partnership, as well as opened calls 2023 in Horizon Europe related to sustainable economy. The event is also an opportunity to meet potential partners and create consortia. Representatives of research institutes, universities, public entities, large companies, SMEs, start-ups, associations, foundations, international organizations wishing to apply for funding under Horizon Europe are invited to attend the event.