Admission to PhD studies

Lithuanian Energy Institute offers promising studies in European Green Deal topics with great prospect of employment!

Lithuanian Energy Institute invites active students who have obtained a master’s degree in mathematics, physics, chemistry, energy, thermal engineering, materials engineering, electrical engineering, mechanics, environmental engineering, natural sciences, economics to contribute to the goals of the European Green Deal and apply to doctoral studies in the fields of Energetics and Power Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Economics.

The Lithuanian Energy Institute announces a competition for Admission to a limited number of state-funded full-time doctoral studies in the fields of Energetics and Power Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Economics.


Doctoral research topics for candidates to doctoral studies Additional admission 2025:

Energetics and Power Engineering (T 006)
Joint doctoral studies provided by Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) and Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI)
Topic title Possible scientific managers Source of funding
Energy or metrology infrastructure safety and estimates accuracy dynamics’ investigation applying machine learning Dr. Robertas Alzbutas State-funded
Energy or metrology infrastructure safety and estimates accuracy dynamics’ investigation applying machine learning Dr. Algis Džiugys State-funded
Theoretical and numerical investigation of biomass pyrolysis in hot liquid medium Dr. Dovilė Gimžauskaitė State-funded
Investigation of plasma involved processes for converting various types of waste into valuable secondary raw materials and gases Dr. Viktorija Grigaitienė State-funded
Application of thermochemical processes for the synthesis of advanced synthetic fuels from plastic waste Dr. Adolfas Jančauskas State-funded
Numerical study of the processes taking place in nuclear facilities Dr. Algirdas Kaliatka State-funded
Research of industrial waste potential and thermodynamic modelling Dr. Regina Kalpokaitė-Dičkuvienė State-funded
The influence of plasma jet parameters on the formation and properties of ceramic composite coatings Dr. Liutauras Marcinauskas State-funded
Numerical investigation of time dependent fluid flows in elastic channels Dr. Edgaras Misiulis State-funded
Numerical investigation of granulated biofuel dynamics and chemical conversion processes by Discrete Elements Method Dr. Robertas Navakas State-funded
Ammonia combustion enhancement by non-thermal plasma technology for clean and efficient energy production Dr. Rolandas Paulauskas State-funded
Investigation of waste heat recovery in industrial streams Dr. Robertas Poškas State-funded
Study of turbulent flow phenomena and interactions Dr. Mantas Povilaitis State-funded
Study of fine particle distribution in logging residues and their influence on thermochemical processes Dr. Marius Praspaliauskas State-funded
Virtual power grid management and efficiency study Dr. Virginijus Radziukynas State-funded
Investigation of non-equilibrium gliding arc plasma application for methanation process Dr. Andrius Tamošiūnas State-funded
Research on Energy Systems Integration for Smart Climate Neutral Cities Dr. Sigitas Rimkevičius State-funded
Investigation of heat and mass processes by Molecular Dynamics methods Dr. Gediminas Skarbalius State-funded
Application of energy-efficient and friction-reducing technologies in maritime transport: numerical and experimental studies Dr. Raminta Skvorčinskienė State-funded
Optimization of methane pirolysis process for hydrogen production using innovative nanocatalyts produced by environmentally friendly synthesis technologies Dr. Šarūnas Varnagiris State-funded
Safety assessment and investigation of the processes in the nuclear fusion facilities and particle accelerators Dr. Gediminas Stankūnas State-funded
Research on the integration of waste heat from supermarkets into district heating systems Dr. Giedrė Streckienė State-funded
Numerical investigations of the nuclear criticality of a spent fuel geological repository Dr. Artūras Šmaižys State-funded
Investigation of heat production using reactions of aluminum and aluminum-based alloys with water Dr. Marius Urbonavičius State-funded
Optimization of methane pirolysis process for hydrogen production using innovative nanocatalyts produced by environmentally friendly synthesis technologies Dr. Šarūnas varnagiris State-funded
Analysis and control of hydrodynamic flow structures for microfluidic device applications Dr. Paulius Vilkinis State-funded
Environmental Engineering (T 004)
Joint doctoral studies provided by Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) and Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI)
Topic title Possible scientific managers Source of funding
Research of patterns of hydrodynamic and sediment transport processes in reservoirs Dr. Darius Jakimavičius State-funded
Effects of land cover change on river hydrological processes in the past and under climate change Dr. Diana Meilutytė-Lukauskienė State-funded
Bio-derived catalysts from mugwort for hydrogen production and CO2 reduction: a sustainable approach to renewable energy Dr. Inna Pitak State-funded
The effects of environmentally friendly biological additives on the efficiency of phytoremediation of metal-contaminated soil and recovery of the health of soils Dr. Jūratė Žaltauskaitė State-funded
Economics (S 004)
Joint doctoral studies provided by Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Klaipėda University (KU) and Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI)
Topic title Possible scientific managers Source of funding
Research on economic development in the context of climate change Dr. Arvydas Galinis state-funded
The economic drivers that are enabling the transformation of the energy sector are helping it to adapt to the challenges of climate change and increasingly stringent environmental requirements Dr. Dalius Tarvydas state-funded

Regulations for admission to doctoral studies will be announced soon

Address to deliver documents to:
Lietuvos energetikos institutas
Breslaujos st. 3, room AK-233.
44403 Kaunas, Lithuania.

Contact person:
Jolanta Kazakevičienė
Studies Administrator
tel. +370 37 401 809