Thermochemical conversion of solid fuels – processes of pyrolysis, gasification and combustion of biomass and wastes (CONBIOT)

Projekto programa
Vykdymo laikotarpis
2002.11.01 - 2006.02.28
Projekto statusas
Projekto lentelė
DB nuoroda

The measures in this project allow the „Centre for Thermochemical Conversion of Solid Fuels” to strengthen its position on the European level, integrating its activities in the European Research Area in the field of research on thermochemical processing (pyrolysis, gasification, combustion) of renewable energy sources (biomass) and wastes. Through this project the Centre can validate its strong position on the national level and in Central Europe, supported by the network and service system established in the project. For what concerns the further development of the international network, the key-partners of the Centre are expected to continue co-operation with the Centre in the after-project period, particularly in the projects of 6FP. The project activities will help the Centre to disseminate best practises within the Poland and other NAS countries, and promote usage of new biomass processing technologies for heat and power generation.

Bendra projekto vertė: 320 000 EUR



Projekto vykdytojai

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Instituto atstovas
Rimantas Levinskas 208-AK/330-AK +37037401804