Integrated water management in Lithuania (LIFE SIP Vanduo)

The Project will implement the National Water Sector Plan, ensuring elimination or mitigation of significant impacts of prevailing pressures and contributing to achieving good status of surface and
marine waters in line with the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

To enhance efficiency of water resource management, the Project will increase competences and consolidate experts from environmental institutions, research and NGOs. The methods of assessing the status of surface water bodies will be improved by collecting additional data and conducting scientifically based expertise. The tools and methodology for improvement of pressures and impacts analysis will be elaborated and environmental objectives for all water bodies will be set based on ecosystem services approach and cost-benefit analyses.

The Project will develop, test and demonstrate measures to address all pressures deteriorating surface waters: improved nutrient management on farms, control mechanisms for reducing negative impact of hydroelectric power plants, restoration of damaged river morphology, biomanipulation to restore good ecological status of lakes, natural water retention measures to reduce urban pollution, advanced wastewater treatment technology for reducing loads of micropollutants, innovative remote sensing techniques for identification of illegal pollution, and integrated water resources management showcase for a pilot catchment.

The Project will ensure transfer of the developed solutions to other risk water bodies throughout all four river basin districts (RBD) of Lithuania by creating legal framework in synergy with agricultural policy, initiating dialogue with energy sector, by methodical guidance for replication, adopting experience for transboundary RBD, international collaboration network and awareness raising. The Project has mobilised EUR 825 million of European and national funds to leverage Project’s solutions to complementary actions of the Plan.

LEI hydrology researchers will assist with their knowledge for assessment of water bodies, sediment flows and abatement of negative impacts from hydropower plants.


vandens kokybė, upė, ežeras, išteklių valdymo planas, upės baseino valdymas, integruotas valdymas, stebėsena, gebėjimų stiprinimas, aplinkosauginis sąmoningumas

Akronimas: LIFE SIP Vanduo

Projekto ID: 101104645

Projekto numeris LEI vidaus apskaitoje: LIFE22-IPE

Kvietimas: LIFE-2022-STRAT-ENV-SIP-two-stage

Bendra projekto vertė: 19 797 486.54 EUR (LEI skirta dalis: 804 060.06 EUR).


Koordinatorius: Lietuvos Respublikos aplinkos ministerijos Aplinkos projektų valdymo agentūra (APVA), Lietuva.


Kofinansuojama ES logo Natura 2000 logo
Projektas kofinansuojamas Europos Sąjungos Aplinkos ir klimato politikos programos LIFE lėšomis, pagal dotacijos sutartį Nr. 101104645 — LIFE22-IPE-LT-LIFE SIP Vanduo.
Išsakytos nuomonės ir požiūriai yra tik autoriaus (-ių) ir nebūtinai atspindi Europos Sąjungos ar CINEA požiūrį ir nuomonę. Nei Europos Sąjunga, nei paramą teikianti institucija negali būti laikomos už tai atsakingomis.

Projekto vykdytojai

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Jūratė Kriaučiūnienė 426-AK +37037401962