Algis Džiugys

Šiluminių įrengimų tyrimo ir bandymų laboratorija (12)
vyriaus. m. d.
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Monografijos (Knygos) skyrius


Maknickas A., Džiugys A. [LEI]. Analytic solutions of incompressible navier-stokes equations by green’s function method (chapter 18) In: Handbook on navien-stokes equations: Theory and applied analysis. Nova science publischers, 2016, p. 1-18. ISBN 978-1-53610-292-5.



Navakas R. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Misiulis E. [LEI], Skarbalius G. [LEI]. Construction of velocity similarity graph for velocity feld analysis in granular intruder motion In: Granular Matter. New York: Springer, 2024, Vol. 26, 78, p. 1-16. ISSN 1434-5021, eISSN 1434-7636.
Ratkūnas V., Misiulis E. [LEI], Lapinskienė I., Skarbalius G. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Barkauskienė A., Preikšaitis A., Šerpytis M., Ročka S., Lukoševičius S., Iešmantas T., Alzbutas R., Sengupta J., Petkus V.. Cerebrospinal fluid volume as an early radiological factor for clinical course prediction after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. A pilot study In: European Journal of Radiology . Clare: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 176, 111483, p. 1-7. ISSN 0720-048X.
Šereika J. [LEI], Vilkinis P. [LEI], Skarbalius G. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI]. Experimental analysis of pulsatile flow effects on flow structure in transitional-type cavity In: Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. New York: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 151, 111073, p. 1-10. ISSN 0894-1777.
Vilkinis P. [LEI], Šereika J. [LEI], Skarbalius G. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI]. Experimental analysis of flow topology and particle behavior in microcavities In: Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science . New York: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 150, 111046, p. 1-12. ISSN 0894-1777.


Misiulis E. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Barkauskienė A., Preikšaitis A., Ratkūnas V., Skarbalius G. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Iešmantas T., Alzbutas R., Lukoševičius S., Šerpytis M., Ročka S., Lapinskienė I., Petkus V.. A framework for detailed numerical simulation of patient-specific cerebrospinal fluid flow for relevant clinical appplications In: SSRN: Social science research network: Elsevier’s open preprint server. Rochester, NY: Elsevier, 2023, p. 1-17..
Stankūnas M., Džiugys A. [LEI], Skarbalius G. [LEI], Misiulis E. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI]. Authors’ reply to a commentary on the potential impact of COVID-19 passports to epidemiological situation In: Journal of Infection. London: Elsevier, 2023, Vol. 87, Iss. 3, p. e51-e53. ISSN 0163-4453, eISSN 1532-2742.


Navakas R. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Misiulis E. [LEI], Skarbalius G. [LEI]. Identification of collective particle motion in a rotating drum using a graph community detection algorithm In: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. Hoboken: WILEY, 2022, Vol. 45, Iss. 15, p. 8864-8875. ISSN 0170-4214, eISSN 1099-1476.
Džiugys A. [LEI], Skarbalius G. [LEI], Misiulis E. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Stankūnas M.. Evaluating the potential impact of COVID-19 passports in Lithuania In: Journal of Infection. London: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 85, Iss. 3, p. 334-363. Scopus . ISSN 0163-4453.
Misiulis E. [LEI], Barkauskienė A., Ratkūnas V., Preikšaitis A., Lukoševičius S., Alzbutas R., Iešmantas T., Šerpytis M., Džiugys A. [LEI], Petkus V.. Patient-specific numerical modeling of cerebrospinal fluid flow In: Journal of cerebral blood flow & metabolism. Thousands oaks, CA: SAGE, 2022, vol. 42, suppl. 1 , 213, p. 160-161. Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (Web of Science). ISSN 0271-678X, eISSN 1559-7016.

Pranešimas konferencijoje


Khan A., Araminienė V., Uogintė I., Varnagirytė-Kabašinskienė I., Černiauskas V., Gudynaitė-Franckevičienė V., Džiugys A. [LEI], Misiulis E. [LEI], Byčenkienė S.. Mitigating transport-Induced microplastics through green Infrastructure: A sustainable solution In: EAC2024 : The European aerosol conference 2024, 25 - 30 August 2024; Tampere, Finland, conference programme. Tampere: 2024, p. 1-1..
Khan A., Araminienė V., Uogintė I., Davulienė L., Varnagirytė-Kabašinskienė I., Gudynaitė-Franckevičienė V., Džiugys A. [LEI], Misiulis E. [LEI], Byčenkienė S.. Evaluating the role of green infrastructure in reducingtransport-related microplastics for strengthening urbanenvironmental health In: Open readings 2024: the 67th international conference for students of physics and natural sciences: book of abstracts. Vilnius: Vilnius University press, 2024, P2, p. 263-263. ISBN 978-609-07-1051-7.
Varnagirytė-Kabašinskienė I., Byčenkienė S., Araminienė V., Džiugys A. [LEI], Gudynaitė-Franckevičienė V., Uogintė I., Davulienė L., Misiulis E. [LEI], Khan A., Černiauskas V., Stonkus T.. The role of urban green infrastructure in reducing traffic-related microplastic particles In: 37th Task Force Meeting, ICP-vegetation, 19–21 February 2024, Kaunas, Lithuania . Kaunas: ICP Vegetation Programme Coordination Centre and Lithuanian Agricultural and Forest Science Centre, 2024, p. 37-37..


Kaminskaitė G., Misiulis E. [LEI], Ratkūnas V., Džiugys A. [LEI], Skarbalius G. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI]. Computational fluid dynamics modelling and automatic classification of healthy human cerebral ventricular system components In: Absrract Book International Health Sciences Conference March 30-31 2023. Kaunas: Students’ Scientific Society of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, 2023, p. 76-78. ISSN 2783-7408.
Skarbalius G. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Misiulis E. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI]. Novel approach for identifying evaporating and condensing atoms at the argon liquid surface in molecular dynamics simulations In: 17th International Heat Transfer Conference. Keiptaunas: 2023, p. 1-1. ISSN 2377-424X.
Misiulis E. [LEI], Barkauskienė A., Ratkūnas V., Preikšaitis A., Lukoševičius S., Alzbutas R., Iešmantas T., Šerpytis M., Lapinskienė I., Džiugys A. [LEI], Putnynaitė V., Petkus V.. Numerical model for early warning of cerebrovascular vasospasm and delayed cerebral ischemia in SAH patients In: Journal of cerebral blood flow & metabolism. Abstracts to Brain and brain pet 2023, 12–15 June 2023, Brisbane, Australia. Thousands oaks, CA: SAGE, 2023, Vol. 43, suppl. 1, p. 46-46. ISSN 0271-678X, eISSN 1559-7016.
Navakas R. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Misiulis E. [LEI], Skarbalius G. [LEI]. Construction of velocity similarity graph for identification of shock wave in granular intruder motion In: 19th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 20-26 September 2021) AIP Conference Proceedings. Rhodes: AIP Publishing, 2023, Vol. 2849, Iss. 1, p. 360004-1-360004-5..
Vainorius D. [LEI], Matijošius J., Borodinas S., Džiugys A. [LEI]. Theoretical and Experimental Research of Device for Ultrafine Particulate Matter Agglomeration In: 2023 IEEE Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream) organized by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2023, p. 1-4. ISSN 2831-5634, eISSN 2690-8506 ISBN 979-8-3503-0384-1, eISBN 979-8-3503-038-4.


Kilikevičienė K., Kačianauskas R., Maknickas A., Džiugys A. [LEI], Kilikevičius A.. Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Acoustic Agglomeration of Aerosol Particulates In: Abstracts book 9th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT9) . Madrid: 2022, p. 389-390. ISBN 978-84-09-42782-6.
Skarbalius G. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Misiulis E. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Kačianauskas R.. Novel method for identifying evaporating, condensing, and reflecting atoms at the argon liquid surface in molecular dynamics simulations In: Abstracts book 9th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT9) . Madrid: 2022, p. 212-213. ISBN 978-84-09-42782-6.

Mokslo populiarinimo straipsnis


Byčenkienė S., Araminienė V., Džiugys A. [LEI], Gudynaitė-Franckevičienė V., Varnagirytė-Kabašinskienė I., Uogintė I., Davulienė L., Misiulis E. [LEI], Khan A.. Miesto žalioji infrastruktūra – sprendimas taršos mikroplastiku mažinimui In: Mūsų Girios. Vilnius: Viešoji įstaiga „Mūsų girios“, 2024, Nr. 5, p. 15-15. ISSN 1392-6829.


Džiugys A. [LEI]. Apgintos daktaro disertacijos In: Energetika. (Kronika) [EBSCO, IndexCopernicus, SCOPUS]. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2015, T. 61, Nr. 2, p. 9-9. ISSN 0235-7208.

Tarptautiniai projektai

Septintoji bendroji programa (7BP)


A vast number of engineering applications as diverse as in pharmaceutical, food and processing industry, mining, construction and agricultural machinery, metals manufacturing, energy Daugiau


COST actions logo
2023.05.12 - 2027.10.03

Projekto santrauka: Atskirų dalelių sąveika pagrįsti skaičiavimai naudojami modeliuojant įvairias birias medžiagas, tokias kaip smėlį, grūdus, farmacijos produktus, miltelius keramDaugiau

2019.04.05 - 2023.04.10

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COST actions logo

Flowing matter lies at the crossroads between industrial processes, fundamental physics, engineering and Earth Sciences. Depending on the microscopic interactions, an assembly of moleDaugiau

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The main objective of the Action is to develop cleaner and more efficient combustion processes through the design and implementation of better defined and more accurate detailed chemiDaugiau

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The main objective of the Action is to support the fundamental research on the statistical properties of particles transported by turbulent flows. Koordinatorius: Eindhoveno technoDaugiau

Kiti tarptautiniai projektai


PROJECT CODE: BI-LT/20-22-002 PROJECT TITLE: Understanding hygroscopic properties of wood through multiscale modelling (HYGRO-WOOD) PROJECT LEADER: Veerapandian Ponnuchamy, Daugiau

Projektai Lietuvoje

LMT projektai

Lietuvos mokslo taryba

Mikro- ir nano- lygmens struktūros naudojamos įvairiuose lab-on-a-chip, micro-total-analysis-systems ir MEMS įrenginiuose, kuriuose dalelių sraute valdymas atlieka svarbų vaidmenį. ViDaugiau

ES fondų investicijos 2014-2020 m.

Lietuvos energetikos institutas įgyvendina projektą „Vandens garavimo ir kondensacijos procesų tyrimas Molekulinės Dinamikos metodu“ 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-10-0041 finansuojamą Europos sąjuDaugiau