Muñoz J. E., Allais L., Herb J., Caramello M., Urbonavičius E. [LEI], et al.
Map Determination of Code and Standard Needs to be Covered for Innovative Nuclear Reactors
Book of Abstracts 33rd International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe NENE2024. Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2024, 1202, p. 1-8. ISBN 978-961-6207-59-1.
Ambrutis A. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI].
Enhancing hydrogen laminar burning velocity estimation with artificial neural networks and simulated data
Proceedings of the 2024 31st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE31 August 4-8, 2024, Prague, Czech Republic. Prague: The American society of mechanical engineers, 2024, Vol. 11, ICONE31-135582, p. 1-7. ISBN 978-0-7918-8831-5.
Venckus J. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI].
Dynamic refinement evaluation and criteria optimization for flow features in preparation for les of turbulent hydrogen-air deflagration experiment
Proceedings of the 2024 31st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE31 August 4-8, 2024, Prague, Czech Republic. Prague: The American society of mechanical engineers, 2024, Vol. 11, ICONE31-133301, p. 1-7. Scopus. ISBN 978-0-7918-8831-5.
Sengupta J., Alzbutas R. [LEI], Iešmantas T., Petkus V., Barkauskienė A., Ratkūnas V., Lukoševičius S., Preikšaitis A., Lapinskienė I., Šerpytis M., Misiulis E. [LEI], Skarbalius G. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI].
Detection of subarachnoid hemorrhage using CNN with dynamic factor and wandering sstrategy-based feature selection
Diagnostics. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol.14, Iss. 21, 2417, p. 1-31. ISSN 2075-4418.
Slavickas A. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI].
Evaluation of scale code cross-section processing options for Irregular lattice
International Conference Nuclear Energy For The People 1-4 October 2024. Burgas: Bulgarian Nuclear Society, 2024, p. 1-2..
Janulionis R. [LEI], Dundulis G. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI].
The methodology for numerical evaluation of hydrogen embrittlement of Zr alloys
International Conference Nuclear Energy For The People 1-4 October 2024. Burgas: Bulgarian Nuclear Society, 2024, p. 1-2..
Balashevska Yu., Kyrylenko Yu., Ivanov Z., Rocchi F., Cervone A., Guglielmelli A., Ilvonen L., Rossi J., Slavickas A. [LEI], Thielen H..
Comparative analysis of the dispersion modeling and dose projection results performed under BARCO international project
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. London: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 279, 107513, p. 1-11. ISSN 0265-931X.
Maggi C. F., Abate D., Abid N., Abreu P., Stankūnas G. [LEI], et al.
Overview of T and D–T results in JET with ITER-like wall
Nuclear Fusion. Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2024, Vol. 64, Iss. 11, 112012, p. 1-32. ISSN 0029-5515.
Joffrin E., Wischmeier M., Baruzzo M., Hakola A., Stankūnas G. [LEI], et al.
Overview of the EUROfusion Tokamak Exploitation programme in support of ITER and DEMO
Nuclear Fusion. Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2024, Vol. 64, Iss. 11, 112019, p. 1-19. ISSN 0029-5515.
Hegedus A., Guba A., Gasiūnas S. [LEI], Jaseliūnaitė J. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI], Valinčius M. [LEI].
Cooperation in the development of small modular reactor concepts
CYSENI' 2024: 20th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 21-23 May, 2024 [proceedings]. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2024, p. 32-32. ISSN 2783-6339.
Nováková I., Jhatial A. A., Kekez S., Gjerlow E., Gulik V., Kannathasan K. R., Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Krasnikovs A..
Investigating the Influence of Oil Shale Ash and Basalt Composite Fibres on the Interfacial Transition Zone in Concrete
Buildings. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 14, 1952, p. 1-15. ISSN 2075-5309.
Jafarli I., Macanovskis A., Gjerlow E., Nováková I., Mõtlep R., Vaišnoras M. [LEI].
Mechanical properties of epoxy and concrete based composite materials reinforced with oil shale ash
23 rd International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development Proceedings May 22-24, 2024. Jelgava: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, 2024, Vol. 23, TF029, p. 124-133. ISSN 1691-5976.
Romanenko I., Nováková I., Mõtlep R., Gulik V., Krasnikovs A., Vaišnoras M. [LEI].
Neutron shielding material containing basalt-boron fibers and OSA for spent nuclear fuel container, numerical modelling
23 rd International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development Proceedings May 22-24, 2024. Jelgava: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, 2024, Vol. 23, TF109, p. 588-593. ISSN 1691-5976.
Kannathasan K. R., Michaelraj S. J. M., Gjerlow E., Nováková I., Vaišnoras M. [LEI].
Hybrid fiber composite material with OSA mechanical load-bearing capacity after thermal heating
23 rd International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development Proceedings May 22-24, 2024. Jelgava: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, 2024, Vol. 23, TF179, p. 901-907. ISSN 1691-5976.
Tohver H., Slavickas A. [LEI], Holiuk M., Kranikovs A., Mõtlep R., Nováková I., Babilas E. [LEI], Gulik V..
The effect of oil shale ash and basalt-boron fiber on waste package gamma-radiation shielding properties
Annals of Nuclear Energy . Oxford: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 206, 110633, p. 1-12. ISSN 0306-4549.
Adomaitis R. [LEI], Valančius K. [LEI].
Certified Single Dwelling Passive House in Lithuania: Long-Term Monitoring Results Analysis
Proccedings 27-th International Passive House Conference 5-7 April 2024. Innbruck: Passive House Institute, 2024, p. 79-84..
Adomaitis R. [LEI], Valančius K..
Certified Single Dwelling Passive House in Lithuania: Long-Term Monitoring Results Analysis
27th International passive house conference, 5-7 April 2024 Innsbruck, Austria: proceedings . Darmstadt: Passive House Institut, 2024, p. 79-84..
Murari A., Rossi R., Craciunescu T., Vega J., Stankūnas G. [LEI], Jet contributors, et al.
A control oriented strategy of disruption prediction to avoid the configuration collapse of tokamak reactors
Nature Communications. Berlin: Nature Portfolio, 2024, Vol. 15, p. 1-19. ISSN 2041-1723.
Schnabel G., Aldama D. L., Bohm T., Fischer U., Kunieda S., Trkov A., Konno C., Capote R., Koning A. J., Breidokaitė S. [LEI], Eade T., Fabbri M., Flammini D., Isolan L., Kodeli I., Košťál M., Kwon S., Laghi D., Leichtle D., Nakayama S., Ohta M., Packer L. W., Oiu Y., Soto S., Sawan M., Schulc M., Stankūnas G. [LEI], Sumini M., Valentine A., Willari R., Žohar A..
FENDL: A library for fusion research and applications
Nuclear Data Sheets. San Diego: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 193, p. 1-78. ISSN 0090-3752.
Qiu Y., Ansorge M., Alvarez I., Ambrožič K., Berry T., Stankūnas G. [LEI], Tidikas A. [LEI], et al.
Overview of recent advancements in IFMIF-DONES neutronics activities
Fusion Engineering and Design. Lausanne: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 210, 114242, p. 1-10. ISSN 0920-3796.
Merkis M., Vajauskas D., Laurikaitienė J., Urbonavičius B. G., Stankūnas G. [LEI], Togobickij B. [LEI], Abakevičienė B., Adlienė D..
Comparison Of Alpha and X-ray Irradiation Effects in nMAG Polymer Gels Used for Dosimetry Applications
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B . Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 549, 165266, p. 1-6. ISSN 0168-583X.
Urbonas R. [LEI].
Moksliniai tyrimai ir inovacijos CŠT sektoriuje Europos Komisijos programų perspektyvoje
Konferencija ŠILUMOS ENERGETIKA – 2024. Kaunas: Kauno technologijos universitetas (KTU), Lietuvos energetikos institutu (LEI), Lietuvos šilumos tiekėjų asociacija (LŠTA), Lietuvos termoinžinerijos asociacija (LTERA), 2024, p. 1-22..
Tohver H., Slavickas A. [LEI], Holiuk M., Krasnikovs A., Mõtlep R., Nováková I., Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Gulik V..
Assessing shielding material Performance: Benchmarking of Monte Carlo codes for oil shale and Basalt-Boron fiber concretes
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Lausanne: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 417, 112811, p. 1-15. ISSN 0029-5493.
Mascari F., Bersano A., Massone M., Agnello G., Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], et al.
Main outcomes of the Phebus FPT1 uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in the EU-MUSA project
Annals of Nuclear Energy . Oxford: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 196, 110205, p. 1-10. ISSN 0306-4549, eISSN 1873-2100.
Van Eester D., Frigione D., Garzotti L., Lomas P., (... Stankūnas G. ...) [LEI], et al.
RF Power as Key Contributor to High Performance „Baseline” Scenario Experiments in JET DD and DT Plasmas in Preparation for ITER
AIP Conference Proceedings 24th Topical Conference on Radio-frequency Power in Plasmas. Annapolis: AIP Publishing, 2023, Vol. 2984, Iss. 1, 030004, p. 1-10. ISSN 0094-243X.
Kim H.-T., Auriemma F., Ferreira J., Gabriellini S., (... Stankūnas G. ...) [LEI], et al.
Validation of D–T fusion power prediction capability against 2021 JET D–T experiments
Nuclear Fusion. Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2023, Vol. 63, 112004, p. 1-21. ISSN 0029-5515, eISSN 1741-4326.
Maslov M., Lerche E., Auriemma F., Belli E., Stankūnas G. [LEI], et al.
JET D-T scenario with optimized non-thermal fusion
Nuclear Fusion. Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2023, Vol. 63, 112002, p. 1-22. ISSN 0029-5515, eISSN 1741-4326.
Hobirk J., Challis C. D., Kappatou A., Lerche E., Stankūnas G. [LEI], et al.
The JET hybrid scenario in Deuterium, Tritium and Deuterium-Tritium
Nuclear Fusion. Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2023, Vol. 63, 112001, p. 1-27. ISSN 0029-5515, eISSN 1741-4326.
Povilaitis M. [LEI], Venckus J. [LEI].
Parametric Analysis of Flame Acceleration and Quenching Simulation with flameFoam
Proceedings of the 20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20). Washington: American Nuclear Society, 2023, p. 822-831. ISBN 978-0-89448-793-4.
Ikonomopoulos A., Andronopoulos S., Nitoi M., Klein-Heßling W., Ferretto D., Flores y Flores A., Uršič M., Krpan R., Zajec B., Cizelj L., Löher T., Fiorini G. - L., Urbonavičius E. [LEI], Fuzik K., Sapon M., Karppinen I., Lodi F..
On the applicability of the IAEA documentation to innovative reactors
Book of abstracts International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe NENE-2023, 11th - 14th September 2023, Slovenia. Portorož: Društvo jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije, 2023, p. 209-210. ISBN 978-961-6207-55-3.
Ikonomopoulos A., Uršič M., Cizelj L., de la Rosa Blul J. C., Andronopoulos S., Terranova N., Fiorini G. - L., Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Urbonavičius E. [LEI], Karppinen I..
Licensing fusion facilities based on the ITER and DEMO paradigms
Book of abstracts International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe NENE-2023, 11th - 14th September 2023, Slovenia. Portorož: Društvo jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije, 2023, p. 1002-1003. ISBN 978-961-6207-55-3.
Merkis M., Adlienė D., Vajauskas D., Laurikaitienė J., Urbonavičius G., Stankūnas G. [LEI], Togobickij B. [LEI], Abakevičienė B..
Comparison of alpha and X-ray irradiation effects in polymer gels used for dosimetry applications
21st international conference on radiation effects in insulators, REI-21: Sep.3 (Sun) - 8 (Fri), 2023, Fukuoka, Japan: book of abstracts. Fukuoka: Kyushu University, 2023, PA79, p. 176-176..
Adomaitis R. [LEI], Valančius K..
Passive house in Lithuania: long-term monitoring results analysis
CYSENI 2023: 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2023, p. 25-25. ISSN 2783-6339.
Lukoševičius R. [LEI].
Integration of green hydrogen and biomethane technologies – challenges and perspectives
CYSENI 2023: 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2023, p. 44-44. ISSN 2783-6339.
Jankevičienė J. [LEI].
The impact of climate change and urbanization on wind energy
CYSENI 2023: 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2023, p. 41-41. ISSN 2783-6339.
Grinevičiūtė M. [LEI].
Prosumers as a tool for energy transformation: a case study of Lithuanian remote solar and wind power plants
CYSENI 2023: 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2023, p. 40-40. ISSN 2783-6339.
Shirzadi S. [LEI], Slavickas A. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI].
Verification of MAVRIC module against Monaco module within SCALE code against photon flux
CYSENI 2023: 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2023, p. 32-32. ISSN 2783-6339.
Cholomskė V. [LEI].
Potential of an artificial intelligence application in buildings sector: a systematic literature review
CYSENI 2023 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023 , Kaunas, Lithuania . Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2023, p. 26-26. ISSN 2783-6339.
Wyss I., Murari A., Spolladore L., Peluso E., Gelfusa M., Stankūnas G. [LEI].
Comparison of a fast low spatial resolution inversion method and peaking factors for the detection of anomalous radiation patterns and disruption prediction
Fusion Engineering and Design. Lausanne: Elsevier, 2023, Vol. 193, 113625, p. 1-6. ISSN 0920-3796, eISSN 1873-7196.
Vonžudaitė O. [LEI], Martišauskas L. [LEI], Urbonienė S., Urbonas R. [LEI], Bakas R. [LEI].
Šildymo sistemų optimizavimas pastatuose siekiant mažinti išlaidas ir CO2 emisijų kiekį
64-oji Lietuvos matematikų draugijos konferencija . Vilnius: Lietuvos Matematikų Draugija, 2023, p. 54-54..
Povilaitis M. [LEI], Venckus J. [LEI].
Initial evaluation of flame quenching modeling in flamefoam
Proceedings of the 2023 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE30 . Kyoto: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, p. 1-8..
Elsalamouny N. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], Allison C. M..
Different numerical modeling approaches applied to relap/scdapsim code for the simulation of quench-20 test
Proceedings of the 2023 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE30 . Kyoto: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, p. 1-9..
Togobickij B. [LEI], Slavickas A. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI], Stankūnas G. [LEI].
Validation of bwr mox fuel assembly model for mcnp6
Proceedings of the 2023 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE30 . Kyoto: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, p. 1-5..
Ambrutis A. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI].
Development of hydrogen turbulent flame speed ANN intended for the CFD applications
Proceedings of the 2023 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE30 . Kyoto: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, p. 1-5..
Venckus J. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI].
Developement of an open-source cfd solver flamefoam: implementation of extended turbulent flame closure model
Proceedings of the 2023 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE30 . Kyoto: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, p. 1-7..
Bocullo V., Martišauskas L. [LEI], Gatautis R. [LEI], Vonžudaitė O. [LEI], Bakas R. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI], Venčaitis R., Pupeikis D..
A Digital Twin Approach to City Block Renovation Using RES Technologies
Sustainability. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 15, Iss. 12, 9307, p. 1-27. ISSN 2071-1050.
Coindreau O., Herranz L.E., Bocanegra R., Ederli S., Maccari P., Mascari F., Cherednichenko O., Iskra A., Groudev P., Vryashkova P., Petrova P., Kaliatka A. [LEI], Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Malicki M., Lind T., Kotsuba O., Ivanov I., Giannetti F., D'Onorio M., Ou P., Feiye L., Piluso P., Pontillon Y., Nudi M..
Uncertainty quantification for a severe accident sequence in a SFP in the frame of the H-2020 project MUSA: First outcomes
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2023, Vol. 188, 109796, p. 1-9. ISSN 0306-4549, eISSN 1873-2100.
Bocullo V., Martišauskas L. [LEI], Pupeikis D., Gatautis R. [LEI], Venčaitis R., Bakas R. [LEI].
UAV Photogrammetry Application for Determining the Influence of Shading on Solar Photovoltaic Array Energy Efficiency
Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 16, Iss. 3, 1292, p. 1-20. ISSN 1996-1073.
Mailloux J., Abid N., Abraham K., Abreu P., Stankūnas G. [LEI], et al.
Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation
Nuclear Fusion. Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2022, Vol. 62, No. 4, 042026, p. 1-34. ISSN 0029-5515, eISSN 1741-4326.
Togobickij B. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI], Slavickas A. [LEI], Stora T., Barozier V., (... Stankūnas G. ...) [LEI].
Nuclear Analysis of High-Power LIEBE Molten Target at CERN for the Production of Radioisotopes
Applied sciences. Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 23, 11884, p. 1-14. ISSN 2076-3417.
Povilaitis M. [LEI], Jaseliūnaitė J. [LEI], Ambrutis A. [LEI].
Development of turbulent hydrogen combustion CFD solver for OpenFOAM
Proceeding book The 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS 13) Hsinchu, Taiwan, September 5-10, 2022. Taichung, Taiwan (virtual): National Tsing HUA University, 2022, N13P167, p. 1-12..
Jaseliūnaitė J. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI].
Effect of flame-obstacle interaction on premixed hydrogen combustion in a confined chamber
Proceeding book The 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS 13) Hsinchu, Taiwan, September 5-10, 2022. Taichung, Taiwan (virtual): National Tsing HUA University, 2022, N13P168, p. 1-10..
Slavickas A. [LEI], Tidikas A. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI].
RBMK-1500 Spent Fuel Characterization using SCALE and TRANSURANUS codes
Proceeding book The 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS 13) Hsinchu, Taiwan, September 5-10, 2022. Taichung, Taiwan (virtual): National Tsing HUA University, 2022, N13P187, p. 1-12..
Jaseliūnaitė J. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI].
Implementation of les combustion model in flamefoam solver
CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 319-323. ISSN 2783-6339.
Ambrutis A. [LEI].
ANN LBV model implementation into flamefoam solver
CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 298-301. ISSN 2783-6339.
Togobickij B. [LEI], Stankūnas G. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI], Slavickas A. [LEI].
Nuclear analysis of high-power liebe molten target at cern for the production of radioisotopes
CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 282-286. ISSN 2783-6339.
Shirzadi S. [LEI], Slavickas A. [LEI].
Examination of resonance self-shielding processing for rbmk fuel assembly using scale
CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 273-281. ISSN 2783-6339.
Elsalamouny N. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI].
Development of a numerical model of quench-20 test based on lei experience on modelling of quench tests
CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 257-260. ISSN 2783-6339.
Vonžudaitė O. [LEI], Urbonas R. [LEI], Bakas R. [LEI], Martišauskas L. [LEI], Urbonienė S..
Energy consumption analysis in buildings
CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 165-168. ISSN 2783-6339.
Vega J., Murari A., Dormido-Canto S., Rattá, G. A., Stankūnas G. [LEI], and Jet contributors.
Disruption prediction with artificial intelligence techniques in tokamak plasmas
Nature Physics. Berlin: NATURE PORTFOLIO, 2022, Vol. 18, p. 741-750. Scopus . ISSN 1745-2473, eISSN 1745-2481.
Urbonavičius E. [LEI].
Nuclear Fusion Research in Lithuania – history and perspectives
Book of abstracts Joint International Conference Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies and Nanotechnology and Innovation in the Baltic Sea Region FM&NT – NIBS 2022 Riga, Latvia July 3 – July 6, 2022. Riga: Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, 2022, INV-25, p. 86-86. ISBN 978-9934-23-645-7 (for pdf files).
Fütterer M. A., Pabarčius R. [LEI], Hübner S., Pieńkowski L., Brudek W., Darnowski P., Pawluczyk M., Chmielarz B., Šilhan M..
Nuclear process heat application options: Highlights from the European GEMINI+ project
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Lausanne: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 396, 111879, p. 1-12. ISSN 0029-5493, eISSN 1872-759X.
Misiulis E. [LEI], Barkauskienė A., Ratkūnas V., Preikšaitis A., Lukoševičius S., Alzbutas R., Iešmantas T., Šerpytis M., Džiugys A. [LEI], Petkus V..
Patient-specific numerical modeling of cerebrospinal fluid flow
Journal of cerebral blood flow & metabolism. Thousands oaks, CA: SAGE, 2022, vol. 42, suppl. 1 , 213, p. 160-161. Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (Web of Science). ISSN 0271-678X, eISSN 1559-7016.
Terranova N., Contessa C. M., Pace L. D., Gasparrini C., Kaliatka T. [LEI], Mariano G., Breidokaitė S. [LEI].
Activated Corrosion Products Evaluations for Occupational Dose Mitigation in Nuclear Fusion Facilities
Environments . Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 9, Iss. 7, 76, p. 1-10. ISSN 2076-3298.
Breidokaitė S. [LEI], Eade T., Berry T., Stankūnas G. [LEI], Tidikas A. [LEI].
Activation analysis and evaluation of the radionuclide inventories, decay heat for European DEMO divertor components
Applied Radiation and Isotopes . Oxford: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 187, 110314, p. 729-741. Scopus . ISSN 0969-8043, eISSN 1872-9800.
Salupere S., Nováková I., Kaliatka A. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Krasnikovs A., Gulik V., Mõtlep R..
ICONDE – innovation in concrete design for hazardous waste management applications
10th International Symposium on Naturally Occuring Radioactive Material (NORM). Utrecht: 2022, Session 19: ENA - NORM Residue and Waste Management, p. 1-16..
Mailloux J., Abid N., Abraham K., Abreu P., Stankūnas G. [LEI], et al.
Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation
Nuclear Fusion. Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2022, Vol. 62, No. 4, 042026, p. 1-34. ISSN 0029-5515, eISSN 1741-4326.
Martišauskas L. [LEI], Augutis J., Krikštolaitis R. [LEI], Urbonas R. [LEI], Šarūnienė I. [LEI], Kopustinskas V..
A Framework to Assess the Resilience of Energy Systems Based on Quantitative Indicators
Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 15, Iss. 11, 4040, p. 1-25. Scopus. ISSN 1996-1073.
Krikštolaitis R. [LEI], Bianco V., Martišauskas L. [LEI], Urbonienė S..
Analysis of Electricity and Natural Gas Security. A Case Study for Germany, France, Italy and Spain
Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 15, Iss. 3, 1000, p. 1-20. ISSN 1996-1073.
Ragaišis V. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], Poškas P. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI], Šmaižys A. [LEI], Janulionis R. [LEI], Narkūnas E. [LEI], Sirvydas A. [LEI], Babilas E. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI].
A proposed approach for the evaluation of consequences of a large aircraft crash accident at an RBMK type reactor site during decommissioning
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 145, 104135, p. 1-15. ISSN 0149-1970, eISSN 1878-4224.
Ahn. D.-H., Alzbutas R. [LEI], Carroll B., Duan X., Hechmann K., Jevremovic T., Liang D., Lydell B., Mohaghegh Z., Riznic J., Sakurahara T., Wang M., Zammali C..
Technical Insights from Benchmarking Different Methods for Predicting Pipe Failure Rates in Water Cooled Reactors
IAEA-TECDOC-1988 FINAL REPORT OF A COORDINATED RESEARCH PROJECT. Vienna: IAEA, 2021, p. 1-128. ISBN 978-92-0-141121-1.
Alzbutas R. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Šarūnienė I. [LEI], Krikštolaitis R. [LEI], Valinčius M. [LEI], Babilas E. [LEI], Augutis J. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Iešmantas T. [LEI], Anusauskas F., Mataitis L..
Aggregated Risk Assessment and Survey for Risk Reduction in Oil Terminals
Sustainability. Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 13, 12169, p. 1-21. ISSN 2071-1050.
Jaseliūnaitė J. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI].
Simulation of turbulent combustion in a small-scale obstructed chamber using flamefoam
9TH International conference on hydrogen safety (ICHS2021) 21-24 September 2021 On-Line Conference. International Association for Hydrogen Safety (HySafe), 2021, p. 1502-1512. ISBN 979-12-200-9400-9.
Povilaitis M. [LEI], Jaseliūnaitė J. [LEI].
Rans simulation of hydrogen flame propagation in an acceleration tube: examination of k-ω sst model parameters
9TH International conference on hydrogen safety (ICHS2021) 21-24 September 2021 On-Line Conference. International Association for Hydrogen Safety (HySafe), 2021, p. 1513-1525. ISBN 979-12-200-9400-9.
Jaseliūnaitė J. [LEI].
Numerical modelling of turbulent hydrogen-airdiluents mixture combustion in the enaccef facility
The 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI 2021) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 24-28, 2021. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2021, p. 500-501. ISSN 1822-7554.
Jaseliūnaitė J. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI], Stučinskaitė I..
Numerical modelling of turbulent combustion in a small-scale venting chamber
The 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI 2021) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 24-28, 2021. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2021, p. 497-499. ISSN 1822-7554.
Elsalamouny N. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI].
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the phebus fpt1 test simulation results
The 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI 2021) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 24-28, 2021. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2021, p. 448-449. ISSN 1822-7554.
Breidokaitė S. [LEI], Stankūnas G. [LEI].
Wcll and hcpb models activity comparison of divertor reflector and linear plates
The 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI 2021) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 24-28, 2021. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2021, p. 447-447. ISSN 1822-7554.
Ambrutis A. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI].
Laminar burning velocity estimation using deep neural network
The 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI 2021) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 24-28, 2021. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2021, p. 393-402. ISSN 1822-7554.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Urbonas R. [LEI], Mergner R., Ball I., Janssen R., Rutz D., Pažėraitė A. [LEI], Genys D., Fendt S., Bastek S., Seemann M..
Twinning For Promoting Excellence, Ability and Knowledge to Develop Advanced Waste Gasification Solutions
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Florence: EUBIA-European Biomass Industry Association, 2021, p. 1396-1399. Scopus. ISSN 2282-5819, eISSN 978-88-89407-21-9.
Kaliatka A. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Valinčius M. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI].
RELAP5 application for water hammer analysis in different thermal-hydraulic systems
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (ATE-HEFAT2021), Virtual conference, 26-28 July 2021.. Amsterdam: American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers, 2021, p. 1921-1926. ISBN 978-1-77592-216-2 .
Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI], Pabarčius R. [LEI].
Heat transfer in pebble bed with longitudinal cylinders
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (ATE-HEFAT2021), Virtual conference, 26-28 July 2021.. Amsterdam: American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers, 2021, p. 1121-1125. ISBN 978-1-77592-216-2 .
Jaseliūnaitė J. [LEI].
Numerical Investigation of Pin-fin Arrays Hydraulic Performance in Different Arrangements
KTU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design May 13, 2021, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: KTU, 2021, p. 1-8..
Heckmann K., Alzbutas R. [LEI], Wang M., Jevremovic T., Lydell B. O. Y., Sievers J., Duan X..
Comparison of sensitivity measures in probabilistic fracture mechanics
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping . Oxford: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 192, 104388, p. 1-11. ISSN 0308-0161, eISSN 1879-3541.
Bruchhausen M., Dundulis G. [LEI], McLennan A., Arrieta S., Austin T., n Cicero R., Chitty W. - J., Doremus L., Ernestova M., Grybėnas A. [LEI], Huotilainen C., Mann J., Motterchead K., Novotny R., Perosanz F. J., Platts N., le Roux J.-Ch., Spätig P., Celeizábal C. T., Twite M., Vankeerberghen M..
Characterization of Austenitic Stainless Steels with Regard to Environmentally Assisted Fatigue in Simulated Light Water Reactor Conditions
Metals. Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 11, Iss. 2, 307, p. 1-20. ISSN 2075-4701.
Autrusson B., Van Dordsselaere J. P., Adorni M., Rocchi F., Cizelj L., Fedotova N., Shevchenko S., Schaffrath A., Pecherytsia O., Ušpuras E. [LEI], Nitoi M., Yamamoto Y., Power S..
Overview of ETSON modelling and experimental capabilities for R&D on nuclear safety: ETSON Research Group
Challenges faced by technical and scientific support organizations (TSOs) in enhancing nuclear safety and security: ensuring effective and sustainable expertise, IAEA Series: Proceedings series. Proceedings of an International Conference Brussels, Belgium, 15–18 October 2018. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2021, p. 119-128. ISSN 0074–1884 ISBN 978-92-0-121021-0.
Dundulis G. [LEI], Grybėnas A. [LEI], Bruchhausen M., Cicero R., Mottershead K., Huotilainen C., Le-Rouxs J.-Ch., Vankeerberghen M..
INCEFA-PLUS project: review of the test programme and main results
Proceedings 29th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials Brno, Czech Republic, EU, May 20 - 22, 2020. Brno: 2020, p. 410-415. Scopus. ISSN 2694-9296 ISBN 978-80-87294-97-0.
Stankūnas G. [LEI], Tidikas A. [LEI], Qui Y..
Application of ADVANTG Code for the SDDR Calculations on IFMIF-DONES Target Assembly and HFTM
Book of abstracts 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2020) 20TH-25TH September 2020, Virtual Edition. RBI, 2020, p. 112..
Augutis J. [LEI], Babilas E. [LEI], Dundulis G. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], Krikštolaitis R. [LEI], Martišauskas L. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Pabarčius R. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI], Stankūnas G. [LEI], Urbonas R. [LEI], Urbonavičius E. [LEI].
Scientific inheritance of Eugenijus Ušpuras
Kerntechnik. Munchen: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2020, Vol. 85, Iss. 2, p. 72-81. ISSN 0932-3902.
Cheng W.-C., Sakurahara T., Zhang S., Farshadmanesh P., Reihani S., Kee E., Mohaghegh Z., Heckmann K., Sievers J., Lydell B., Zammali Ch., Yuan X.-X., Duan X., Alzbutas R. [LEI], Lee G.-G., Karom J. A., Morozov V., Takasugi C., Jevremovic T..
Review and categorization of existing studies on the estimation of probabilistic failure metrics for Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary piping and steam generator tubes in Nuclear Power Plants
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 118, 103105, p. 1-51. ISSN 0149-1970.
Porfiri M. T., Taylor N., Ciattaglia S., Jin X. Z., Johnston J., Colling B., Eade T., Carloni D., Pinna T., Urbonavičius E. [LEI], Vale R., Volkanovski A., Caruso G..
Safety assessment for EU DEMO – Achievements and open issues in view of a generic site safety report
Fusion Engineering and Design. Lausanne: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 155, 111541, p. 1-5..
Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Urbonavičius E. [LEI], Jagelski J., Tkaczyk A., Auce A., Gudowski W., Juodis L., Galinis A. [LEI].
Baltic Region Initiative for Long Lasting InnovAtive Nuclear Technologies
FISA 2019 Conference Proceedings 9th European Commission Conferences on EURATOM Research and Training in Safety of Reactor Systems 4-7 June, 2019 Pitesti, Romania. Luxembourg: European Union, 2020, p. 973. ISBN 978-92-79-98744-1.
Ambrozini W., Lo Frano L., Cizelj L., Dieguez P., Urbonavičius E. [LEI], Cvetkov I., Diaconu D., Kloosterman J. L., Konings R. J. M..
Education, training and mobility: towards a common effort to assure a future workforce in Europe and abroad
Journal Nuclear Science and Technology. Abingdon: EDP Sciences, 2020, Vol. 6, No. 29, p. 410-432. Science Citation Index Expanded. ISSN 0022-3131.
Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Urbonavičius E. [LEI], Jagelski J., Tkaczyk A., Auco A., Gudowski W., Juodis L., Galinis A. [LEI].
Baltic Region Initiative for Long Lasting InnovAtive Nuclear Technologies
FISA 2019 EURADWASTE ’19 the 9th European Commission (EC) conference on Euratom Research and Training in Safety of Reactor Systems Conference Proceedings 4-7 June, 2019 Pitesti, Romania. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020, p. 989-989. ISBN 978-92-79-98744-1.
Aleksiejuk-Gawron J., Milčiuvienė S., Kiršienė J., Doheijo E., Garzon D., Urbonas R. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI].
Net-Metering Compared to Battery-Based Electricity Storage in a Single-Case PV Application Study Considering the Lithuanian Context
Energies. MDPI, 2020, Vol. 13, No. 9, 2286, p. 1-5. ISSN 1996-1073.
Babilas E. [LEI], Pabarčius R. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Šeporaitis M. [LEI], Tonkūnas A. [LEI].
LEI activities in the EU projects directed to support the Regulatory Body of Iraq
Energetika. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2020, T. 66, Nr. 1, p. i-ii. EBSCO (Academic Search Complete), INSPEC, Index Copernicus, SCOPUS, VINITI, Ulrich's Web . ISSN 0235-7208, eISSN 1822-8836.
Rimkevičius S. [LEI].
Energetika (Kronika). 2019, Vol. 65, No. 2-3, p. 1-2. ISSN 0235-7208.
Taylor N., Ciattaglia S., Coombs D., Jin X. Z., Johnston J., Liger K., Mazzini G., Mora J. C., Pinna T., Porfiri M. T., Urbonavičius E. [LEI], Vale R., Widdowson A..
Safety and environment studies for a European DEMO design concept
Fusion Engineering and Design. Lausanne: Elsevier, 2019, Vol. 146, p. 111-114. ISSN 0920-3796.
Fischer U., Bienkovska B., Drozdovicz K., Frisoni M., Mota F., Ogando F., Qiua Y., Stankūnas G. [LEI], Tracz G..
Neutronics of the IFMIF-DONES irradiation facility
Fusion Engineering and Design. Basel: Elsevier, 2019, Vol. 146, p. 1276-1281. ISSN 0920-3796.
Pabarčius R. [LEI], Babilas E. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI].
LEI activities as ETSON Consortium member in EC project
Energetika (Kronika). 2019, Vol. 65, No. 4, p. 8-9. ISSN 0235-7208.
Mutule A., Antoskova I., Lazdinis R., Urbonas R. [LEI].
Facilitating research and innovation for energy transition
Energetika (Kronika). 2019, Vol. 65, No. 4, p. 1-7. ISSN 0235-7208.
Borodin D., Romazanov J., Pitts R. A., Lisgo S. W., Brezinsek S., Borodkina I., Eksaeva A., Safi E., Nordlund K., Kirschner A., Linsmeier Ch., Stankūnas G. [LEI], and Jet contributors.
Improved ERO modelling of beryllium erosion at ITER upper first wall panel using JET-ILW and PISCES-B experience
Nuclear Materials and Energy. Elsevier, 2019, Vol. 19, p. 510-515. ISSN 2352-1791.
Bonanomi N., Casiraghi I., Mantica P., Challis C., Delabie E., Fable E., Gallart D., Giroud C., Lerche E., Lomas P., Menmuir S., Staebler G.M., Taylor D., Van Eester D., Stankūnas G. [LEI], and Jet contributors.
Role of fast ion pressure in the isotope effect in JET L-mode plasmas
Nuclear Fusion. IAEA, 2019, Vol. 59, No. 9, p. 1-10. ISSN 0029-5515, eISSN 1741-4326.
Bobkov V., Aguiam D., Bilato R., Brezinsek S., Colas L., Czarnecka A., Dumortier P., Dux R., Faugel H., Fünfgelder H., Jacquet Ph., Kallenbach A., Krivska A., Klepper C.C., Lerche E., Lin Y., Milanesio D., Stankūnas G. [LEI], and Jet contributors, et al.
Impact of ICRF on the scrape-off layer and on plasma wall interactions: From present experiments to fusion reactor
Nuclear Materials and Energy. Elsevier, 2019, Vol. 18, p. 131-140. ISSN 2352-1791.
Aslanyan V., Taimourzadeh S., Shi L., Lin Z., Dong G., Puglia P., Porkolab M., Dumont R., Sharapov S.E., Mailloux J., Tsalas M., Maslov M., Whitehead A., Scannell R., Gerasimov S., Dorling S., Dowson S., Sheikh H.K., Blackman T., Jones G., Goodyear A., Kirov K. K., Blanchard P., Fasoli A., Testa D, Stankūnas G. [LEI], and Jet contributors.
Gyrokinetic simulations of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes excited by energetic ions and external antennas on the Joint European Torus
Nuclear Fusion. IOP, 2019, Vol. 59, No. 2, 026008, p. 1-10. ISSN 0029-5515, eISSN 1741-4326.
Abramovic I., Pavone A., Moseev D., Lopes Cardozo N. J., Salewski M., and W7-X Team, Alzbutas R. [LEI], Dundulis G. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], Karalevičius R. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Urbonavičius E. [LEI].
Forward modeling of collective Thomson scattering for Wendelstein 7-X plasmas: Electrostatic approximation
Review of Scientific Instruments. AIP, 2019, Vol. 90, No. 2, p. 1-12. ISSN 0034-6748.
Hatch D. R., Kotschenreuther M., Mahajan S. M., Merlo G., Field A. R., Stankūnas G. [LEI], and Jet contributors.
Direct gyrokinetic comparison of pedestal transport in JET with carbon and ITER-like walls
Nuclear Fusion. IOP, 2019, Vol. 59, 086056, p. 1-18. ISSN 1741-4326.
Tonkūnas A. [LEI], Slavickas A. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI].
The internship of Egyptian nuclear safety specialists at Lithuanian Energy Institute
Energetika (Kronika). 2019, Vol. 65, No. 4, p. 10-12. ISSN 0235-7208.
Alzbutas R. [LEI], Cronvall O., Cueto-Felgueroso C., Gunnars J., Lejon A., O´Regan P., Walker T., Simola K., Martin O., et al.
ENIQ Framework Document for Risk-Informed In-Service Inspection
ENIQ Report No. 51. Brussels: The NUGENIA Association, 2019, Vol. 2, No. 51, p. 1-31. ISBN 978-2-919313-21-1.
Batistoni P., Popovichev S., Cufar A., Ghani Z., Giacomelli L., Jednorog S., Klix A., Lilley S., Laszynska E., Loreti S., Packer L., Peacock A., Pillon M., Price R., Rebai M., Rigamonti D., Roberts N., Tardocchi M., Thomas D., and Jet contributors, (... Stankūnas G. ...) [LEI].
14 MeV calibration of JET neutron detectors—phase 1: calibration and characterization of the neutron source
Nuclear fusion. Bristol, England: Euratom, 2018, Vol. 58, No. 2. Article No. 026012, p. 1-24. ISSN 0029-5515, eISSN 1741-4326.
Batistoni P., Popovichev S., Ghani Z., Cufar A., Giacomelli L., Hawkins P., Keogh K., Jednorog S., Laszynska E., Loreti S., Peacock A., Pillon M., Price R., Reed A., Rigamonti D., Stephens J., Bielecki J., Conroy S., Dankowski J., Krasilnikov V., and Jet contributors, (... Stankūnas G. ...) [LEI].
14 MeV calibration of JET neutron detectors—phase 2: in-vessel calibration
Nuclear Fusion. Bristol, England: Euratom, 2018, Vol. 58, No. 10. Article No. 106016, p. 1-16. ISSN 0029-5515, eISSN 1741-4326.
Valinčius M. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI].
Numerical study of in-vessel corium retention in BWR reactor
Proceedings of an International Conference 6–9 June 2017 Vienna, Austria. Topical issues in nuclear installation safety. Safety demonstration of advanced water cooled nuclear power plants. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency, 2018, Vol. 1, p. 40-44. ISSN 0074-1884 ISBN 978-92-0-104618-5.
Pisano F., Cannas B., Jakubiwski M. W., Niemann H., Sitjes A. P., Wurden G. A., Alzbutas R. [LEI], Dundulis G. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], Karalevičius R. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Urbonavičius E. [LEI].
Towards a new image processing system at Wendelstein 7-X: From spatial calibration to characterization of thermal events
Review of Scientific Instruments. Melville: AIP Publishing, 2018, Vol. 89, 123503, p. 1-10. ISSN 0034-6748, eISSN 1089-7623.
Dinklage A., Beidler C. D., Helander P., Fuchert G., Maaßberg H., Rahbarnia K., Sunn Pedersen T., Turkin Y., Wolf R. C., Alonso A., Andreeva T., Blackwell B., Bozhenkov S., Buttenschön B., Czarnecka A., Effenberg F., Feng Y., Geiger J., Hirsch M., Höfel U., Jakubowski M., Klinger T., Knauer J., Kocsis G., Krämer-Flecken A., Kubkowska M., Langerberg A., Laqua H. P., Marushchenko N., Mollén A., Neuner U., Niemann H., Pasch E., Pablant N., Rudischhauser L., Smith H. M., Schmitz O., Stange T., Szepesi T., Weir G., Windisch T., Wurden G. A., Zhang D., and the W7-X Team, (.., Alzbutas R. [LEI], Dundulis G. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], Karalevičius R. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Urbonavičius E. [LEI], ...).
Magnetic configuration effects on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
Nature physics. London, England: 2018, Vol. 14, p. 855-860. ISSN 1745-2473.
Kaliatka A. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI].
Experts from Lithuanian Energy Institute trained algerian specialists in the field of severe accident analysis
Energetika (Kronika). Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2018, T. 64, Nr. 2, p. 4-5. ISSN 0235-7208.
Ušpuras E. [LEI], Minkevičius A. [LEI].
Kontroliuojama branduolių sintezė
Lietuvos mokslų akademijos žinios. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2018, Nr. 3 (85), p. 17-17. ISSN 2029-5707.
Stankūnas G. [LEI], Cufar A., Tidikas A. [LEI], Batistoni P., Jet contributors.
Activation inventories after exposure to DD/DT neutrons in safety analysis of nuclear fusion installations (
Radiation Protection Dosimetry. Didžioji Britanija, Oxfordas: Oxford University Press, 2018, Vol. 180, Iss. 1-4, p. 125-128. ISSN 1742-3406, eISSN 0144-8420.
Povilaitis M. [LEI].
International MITHYGENE-ETSON benchmark
Energetika (Kronika). Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2018, T. 64, Nr. 1, p. 4-5. ISSN 0235-7208, eISSN 1822-8836.
Ušpuras E. [LEI], Pabarčius R. [LEI], Slavickas A. [LEI].
GEMINI Plus project for HTGR nuclear cogeneration demonstration
Energetika (Kronika). Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2018, Vol. 64, Nr. 1, p. 2-3. ISSN 0235-7208, eISSN 1822-8836.
Coindreau O., Jackel B., Rocchi F., Alcaro F., Angelova D., Bandini G., Barnak M., Behler M., Da Cruz D. F., Dagan R., Drai P., Ederli S., Herranz L.E., Hollands T., Horvath G., Kaliatka A. [LEI], Kljenak I., Kotsuba O., Lind T., Lopez C., Mancheva K., Matejovic P., Matkovič M., Steinbruck M., Stempniewicz M., Thomas R., Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Visser D.C., Vokač P., Vorobyov Y., Zhabin O..
Severe accident code-to-code comparison for two accident scenarios in a spent fuel pool
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Oxford, England: Elsevier, 2018, Vil. 120, p. 880-887. ISSN 0306-4549.
Janulionis R. [LEI], Dundulis G. [LEI], Grybėnas A. [LEI].
Numerical Investigation of Hydrogen Influence on Stress Intensity Factor of Zirconium Alloy
Proceedings of 23rd International Conference “MECHANIKA 2018”. Druskininkai, 18 gegužės 2018 . Kaunas: Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2018, p. 58-61. ISSN 1822-2951.
Kaliatka A. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI].
Best Estimate Approach for the Simulation of Reactor Core Overheating and Quenching Experiments
Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty International Conference. Multi-Physics Multi-Scale Simulations with Uncertainty (BEPU 2018) May 13-18, 2018. Lucca, Italy: 2018, p. 1-12..
Kaliatka A. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI].
Application of the BE Approach for the Analysis of Design and Beyond Design Basis Accidents
Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty International Conference. Multi-Physics Multi-Scale Simulations with Uncertainty (BEPU 2018) May 13-18, 2018 . Lucca, Italy: 2018, p. 1-12..
Graževičius A. [LEI].
Numerical investigation of the thermal hydraulic phenomena in a rectangular enclosure
The 15th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (CYSENI 2018) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 23-25, 2018. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2018, p. 269-276. ISSN 1822-7554.
Babilas E. [LEI], Dokucajev P., Janulevičius D., Markelov A., Pabarčius R. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI].
Innovative technologies for spent fuel safe management at Ignalina channel-type reactors
Nuclear engineering and technology. Daejeon, South Korea: Korean Nuclear Society, Published by Elsevier Korea LLC, 2018, Vol. 50, Iss. 3, p. 504-511. ISSN 1738-5733.
Freitag M., Kljenak I., Jankowski T., Risken T., Kostka P., Götz L., Klauck M., Schwarz S., Bleyer A., Bentaib A., Povilaitis M. [LEI], Siccama N. B., Royl P., Mansour A., Janda T..
Benchmark exercise TH-27 on natural convection with steam injection and condensation inside the extended THAI facility
Annals of Nuclear Energy . London: Elsevier, 2018, Vol. 116, p. 90-104. ISSN 0306-4549 .
Van Dorsselaere J.P., Barrachin M., Millington D., Adorni M., Hrehor M., Mascari F., Schaffrath A., Tiselj I., Ušpuras E. [LEI], Yamamoto Y., Gumenyuk D., Fedotova N., Cronvall O., Liska P..
ETSON strategic orientations on research activities. ETSON research group activity
International Journal for Nuclear Power. Berlynas: INFORUM, 2018, Vol. 63, Iss. 1, p. 13-18. ISSN 1431-5254.
Diaconu D., Constantin M., Grasso G., Glinatsis G., Di Gabriele F., Alemberti A., De Bruyn D., Urbonavičius E. [LEI].
The Arcadia project in support of the Alfred concept
2014 22nd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering Prague, Czech Republic, July 7–11, 2014. Prague: ASME, 2017, p. 1-6. ISBN 978-0-7918-4593-6.
Taylor N., Ciattaglia S., Boyer H., Coombs D., Jin X. Z., Liger K., Mora J. C., Mazzini G., Pinna T., Urbonavičius E. [LEI].
Resolving safety issues for a demonstration fusion power plant
Fusion Engineering and Design. 2017, Vol. 124, p. 1177-1180. ISSN 0920-3796.
Pinna T., Carloni D., Carpignano A., Ciattaglia S., Johnston J., Porfiri M. T., Savoldi L., Taylor N., Sobrero G., Uggenti A. C., Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Zanino R..
Identification of accident sequences for the DEMO plant
Fusion Engineering and Design. 2017, Vol. 124, p. 1277-1280. ISSN 0920-3796.
Wolf R. C., Ali A., Alonso A., Baldzuhn J., Beidler C., Beurkens M., Biedermann C., Bosch H. C., Bozhenkov S., ...), Alzbutas R. [LEI], Dundulis G. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], Karalevičius R. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Urbonavičius E. [LEI].
Major results from the first plasma campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
Nuclear Fusion. Briston: IOP Publishing, 2017, Vol. 57, No. 10, 102020, p. 1-13. ISSN 0029-5515, eISSN 1741-4326.
Benabid R., Bouhlal A., Alzbutas R. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI].
Level 1 probabilistic safety analysis of a typical research reactor
Proceeding of African Conference on Research Reactor Utilization and Safety, 18-20 December, Accra, Ghana. GAEC and IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). Ghana: IAEA, 2017, p. 1-10..
Fischer U., Bachmann C., Catalan J. P., Eade T., Flammini D., Gilbert M., Jaboulay J. Ch., Konobeev A., Leichtle D., Lu L., Malouch F., Moro F., Pereslavtsev P., Qiu Y., Sanz J., Sauvan P., Stankūnas G. [LEI], Travleev A., Turner A., Ogando F..
Methodological approach for DEMO neutronics in the European PPPT programme: Tools, data and analyses
Fusion Engineering and Design . 2017, Vol. 123, p. 26-31. ISSN 0920-3796.
Kaliatka T. [LEI].
Alžyro branduolinės saugos specialistų stažuotė Lietuvos energetikos institute
Energetika (Kronika). Vilnius: Lietuvos moksl7 akademija, 2017, T. 63, Nr. 1, p. iii-iv. ISSN 0235-7208.
Kazakov Ye. O., Ongena J., Stankūnas G. [LEI], Jet contributors.
Effcient generation of energetic ions in multi-ion plasmas by radio-frequency heating
Nature physics. Londonas: Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2017, Vol. 13, p. 973-978. ISSN 1745-2473.
Van Dorsselaere J.P., Barrachin M., Millington D., Adorni M., Hrehor M., Macari F., Schaffrath A., Tiselj I., Ušpuras E. [LEI], Yamamoto E., Gumenyuk D., Fedotova N., Cronvall O., Liska P..
Summary of ETSON strategic orientations on research activities. ETSON Research Group activity
Proceedings of the EUROSAFE Forum 2017 Paris, 6 and 7 November 2017. Prancūzija: IRSN, 2017, p. 121-132. ISBN 978-2-9545237-8-1.
Kaliatka T. [LEI].
Implementation of QUENCH-10 experiment modelling experience for the modelling of severe accidents in spent fuel pools
Proceedings 23rd International QUENCH Workshop Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, October 17-19, 2017, Germany. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology: IAEA, 2017, p. 366-395..
Povilaitis M. [LEI], Urbonavičius E. [LEI].
Simulation of the THAI+ TH27 Experiment Using ASTEC Code
17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics” (NURETH-17) September 3-8, 2017 Kinija. Sianas: 2017, p. 1-1..
Kaliatka T. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI].
Analysis of Station Blackout Accident in ABWR Reactor
17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics” (NURETH-17) September 3-8, 2017 Kinija . Sianas: 2017, p. 1-1..
Kaliatka T. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI].
Application of BE approach for the different nuclear fission and fusion facilities
17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics” (NURETH-17) September 3-8, 2017. Kinija. Sianas: 2017, p. 1-1..
Žutautaitė I. [LEI], Dundulis G. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI], Eid M., Stakelytė G..
Estimation of rare events probabilities in natural gas transmission networks
10th International conference on mathematical methods in reliability (MMR 2017). Grenoble, France: 2017, p. 1-9..
Eid M., Žutautaitė I. [LEI], Rafanavičiūtė D..
Network’s connectivity dynamic modelling using a topological Binary model: critical transitions concept
Proceedings of the 52th ESReDA Seminar, May 30-31, 2017, Lithuania. Kaunas: 2017, p. 181-195. ISBN 978-92-79-73870-8.
Žutautaitė I. [LEI], Martišauskas L. [LEI], Krikštolaitis R. [LEI], Augutis J. [LEI], Setola R., Juričkaitė V..
Risk assesment for critical infrastructure
Proceedings of the 52th ESReDA Seminar, May 30-31, 2017, Lithuania. Kaunas: 2017, p. 81-93. ISBN 978-92-79-73870-8.
Dundulis G. [LEI], Alzbutas R. [LEI].
Pipe rupture and inspection sensitivity analysis
Proceedings of the 52th ESReDA Seminar, May 30-31, 2017, Lithuania. Kaunas: 2017, p. 108-116. ISBN 978-92-79-73870-8.
Alzbutas R. [LEI].
Risk informed inspection and decisions making
Proceedings of the 52th ESReDA Seminar, May 30-31, 2017, Lithuania. Kaunas: 2017, p. 46-59. ISBN 978-92-79-73870-8.
Kaliatka T. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI], Allison Ch. M..
Modeling of quench 10 experiment on air ingress using relap/scdapsim mod 3.5
Proceedings of the 2017 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE25 July 2-6, 2017(ICONE25-66135), China.. Shanghai: ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers), 2017, p. 1-7..
Žutautaitė I. [LEI], Augutis J. [LEI], Krikštolaitis R. [LEI], Dundulis G. [LEI], Valinčius M. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI].
Risk and reliability assessment of the district heating network methodology with case study
Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating theory and practice – Walls, Revie & Bedford (Eds). Londonas: Taylor & Francis Group, 2017, p. 2578-2585. ISBN 978-1-138-02997-2.
Graževičius A. [LEI].
Modelling of pool heat-up experiment using ANSYS fluent
The 14th International Conference of Young Scientists on energy Issues (CYSENI 2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2017. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2017, p. 216-224. ISSN 1822-7554.
Tidikas A. [LEI], Stankūnas G. [LEI].
Influence of breeder blanket module size variation on neutron activation inventories
The 14th International Conference of Young Scientists on energy Issues (CYSENI 2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2017. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2017, p. 200-205. ISSN 1822-7554.
Janulionis R. [LEI].
Numerical investigation of J-integral
The 14th International Conference of Young Scientists on energy Issues (CYSENI 2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2017. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2017, p. 335-341. ISSN 1822-7554.
Litaudon X., Stankūnas G. [LEI].
Overview of the JET results in support to ITER
26th IAEA Fusion Energy conference 17-22 October 2016. Kyoto, Japan: IAEA, 2016, p. 1-19..
Kaliatka T. [LEI].
Atomic energy researchers and research students acceptance program
Energetika (Kronika). Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2016, T. 62, Nr. 1-2, p. 1-2. ISSN 0235-7208.
Laurinavičius D. [LEI], Šeporaitis M. [LEI].
Initiation of water turbulence in concurrent two-phase flow
12th International conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT 2016). Proceedings published date: 11 July 2016.. Costa del Sol, Spain: 2016, p. 259-263. ISBN 978-1-77592-124-0.
Janulionis R. [LEI], Dundulis G. [LEI], Grybėnas A. [LEI].
Numerical investigation of critical stress intensity factor
13th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2016), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 26–27, 2016. Kaunas: LEI, 2016. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2016, p. 226-233. ISSN 1822-7554.
Graževičius A. [LEI].
CFD simulating the heat removal from fuel assembly located in a spent fuel pool
13th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2016), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 26–27, 2016. Kaunas: LEI, 2016. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2016, p. 341-348. ISSN 1822-7554.
Drūlia M. [LEI].
Experimental equipment design for investigating condensation phenomena at horizontal water-vapor interface
13th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2016), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 26–27, 2016. Kaunas: LEI, 2016.. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2016, p. 176-182. ISSN 1822-7554.
Tidikas A. [LEI], Stankūnas G. [LEI].
Neutron activation in water cooling systems of nuclear fusion devices
13th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2016), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 26–27, 2016. Kaunas: LEI, 2016.. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2016, p. 332-340. ISSN 1822-7554.
Šeporaitis M. [LEI], Valinčius M. [LEI], Gasiūnas S. [LEI], Laurinavičius D. [LEI], Pabarčius R. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI], Almenas K..
Tarpfazinės sąveikos ir kondensacijos tyrimai
Energetika. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2016, T. 62, Nr. 3, p. 206-218. ISSN 0235-7208.
Ušpuras E. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Urbonavičius E. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI], Dundulis G. [LEI], Alzbutas R. [LEI], Stankūnas G. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], Janulionis R. [LEI], Karalevičius R. [LEI], Voronov R. [LEI], Iešmantas T. [LEI], Kačegavičius T. [LEI].
Branduolių sintezės tyrimai Lietuvos energetikos institute
Energetika. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2016, T. 62, Nr. 3, p. 102-123. ISSN 0235-7208.
Kaliatka T. [LEI], Mochizuki H..
Modeling of Station Blackout Accident in ABWR Reactor
Šilumos energetika ir technologijos-2016: konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2016 sausio 28-29. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2016, p. 89-97. ISSN 2335-2485.
Stankūnas G. [LEI], Tidikas A. [LEI], Pereslavtsev P., Catalan J., Garcia R., Ogando F., Fischer U..
Activity inventories and decay heat calculations for a DEMO with HCPB and HCLL blanket modules
Fusion Engineering and Design. Nyderlandai: Elsevier, 2016, Vol. 109-111, Part A, p. 347-352. ISSN 0920-3796.
Lengar I., Čafar A., Sonroy S., Batistoni P., Popovichev S., Snoj L., Syme B., Vila R., Stankūnas G. [LEI].
Radiation damage and nuclear heating studies in selected functionalmaterials during the JET DT campaign
Fusion Engineering and Design. Nyderlandai: Elsevier, 2016, Vol. 109-111, Part A, p. 1011-1015. ISSN 0920-3796.
Kaliatka A. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI], Mochizuki H..
Modelling of critical heat flux phenomenon in the boiling water reactors
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Croatian Nuclear Society Zadar, Croatia, 5-8 June 2016. . Zagreb, Croatia: Croatian Nuclear Society, 2016, p. 1-10. ISBN 978-953-55224-8-5 (USB).
Manzini G., Kljenak I., Povilaitis M. [LEI].
Vented explosion phenomena – hydrogen combustion benchmark on confined vessel experiments
Proceedings of the 2016 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE24 June 26-30, 2016, Charlotte, North Carolina. p. 1-6. Karolina: ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers), 2016, p. 1-6..
Ammirable L., Tuček K., Blanc D., Pabarčius R. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI], Mansani L., Carluec B., Dufour P., Homann C..
SARGEN-IV: Consideration on the possible content of the safety analysis report for innovative ESNII reactors
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Nyderlandai: Elsevier, 2016, Vol. 300, p. 452-466. ISSN 0029-5493.
Alzbutas R. [LEI].
Risk zoning and PSA in relation to risk of external events
Resilience management and renewable energy processes. Societa Editrice "Il Ponte Veccchio", 2016, p. 115-134. ISBN 978-88-6541-552-8.
Iešmantas T. [LEI], Alzbutas R. [LEI].
Maintenance of power systems considering time-dependent uncertainty
Safety and Reliability: Methodology and Applications – Proceedings of the European safety and reliability conference ESREL 2014. Wroclaw, Poland, September 14-18, 2014. Nowakowski et al. (Eds) 2015 . London: Taylor & Francis Group, 2015, p. 1127-1131. ISBN 978-1-138-02681-0.
Tonkūnas A. [LEI], Pabarčius R. [LEI].
Proporcingumo daugiklių metodas radioaktyviosioms atliekoms charakterizuoti
Energetika. (Kronika) [EBSCO, IndexCopernicus, SCOPUS]. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2015, T. 61, Nr. 1, p. 25-31. ISSN 0235-7208.
Kontautas A. [LEI], Urbonavičius E. [LEI].
Uncertainty and sensitivity evaluation of aerosol deposition in PHEBUS containment during FPT-2 experiment
Energetika. (Kronika) [EBSCO, IndexCopernicus, SCOPUS]. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2015, T. 61, Nr. 1, p. 12-24. ISSN 0235-7208.
Ušpuras E. [LEI].
SAM guides for Ignalina: concrete benefits derived from SARNET
EUROSAFE Tribune. Media Cologne, Hürth: GRS & IRSN, 2015, No. 28, p. 21-21. ISSN 1634-7676.
Urbonavičius E. [LEI].
Fast nuclear emergency tools (FASTINET)
Eurosafe tribune. Media Cologne, Hürth: GRS & IRSN, 2015, No. 28, p. 19-19. ISSN ISSN: 1634-7676.
Urbonavičius E. [LEI], Pabarčius R. [LEI].
Radioaktyvių medžiagų nuotėkis ir avarinė parengtis įvykus avarijai atominėje elektrinėje (FASTNET projektas)
Energetika. (Kronika) [EBSCO, IndexCopernicus, SCOPUS]. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2015, T. 61, Nr. 3-4, p. 9-10. ISSN 0235-7208.
Dundulis G. [LEI].
Branduolinių elektrinių saugos padidinimas padengiant trūkumus, įvertinus aplinkos nuovargį (INCEFA-PLUS
Energetika. (Kronika) [EBSCO, IndexCopernicus, SCOPUS]. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2015, T. 61, Nr. 3-4, p. 6-7. ISSN 0235-7208.
Kaliatka A. [LEI].
Programos „Horizontas 2020“ projektas IVMR
Energetika. (Kronika) [EBSCO, IndexCopernicus, SCOPUS]. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2015, T. 61, Nr. 3-4, p. 6-6. ISSN 0235-7208.
Kaliatka T. [LEI].
16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics
Energetika. (Kronika)[EBSCO, IndexCopernicus, SCOPUS]. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2015, T. 61, Nr. 3-4, p. 1-2. ISSN 0235-7208.
Povilaitis M. [LEI], Kelm S., Urbonavičius E. [LEI].
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the generic containment SB-LOCA accident
Proceedings of the 24 International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe. Portorož, Slovenia: NENE, 2015, p. 1-8..
Jokšas B. [LEI], Žutautaitė I. [LEI], Augutis J. [LEI], Rekašius T..
Dependence of the gas supply system criticality indicator(s) on the system elements’ reliability
Safety and Reliability: Methodology and Applications – Proceedings of the European safety and reliability conference ESREL 2014 September 14-18 Wroclaw, Poland. London: Taylor & Francis Group, 2015, p. 181-188. ISBN 978-1-138-02681-0.
Janulionis R. [LEI], Dundulis G. [LEI], Grybėnas A. [LEI].
Numerical simulation of high temperature fatigue test of the welded steel P91
23rd Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology Manchester (SMIRT23). United Kingdom: 2015, p. 1-8..
Iešmantas T. [LEI], Alzbutas R. [LEI].
Age-dependent uncertainty in energy network reliability assessment
25th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) . London: Taylor & Francis Group, 2015, p. 1959-1964. ISBN 978-1-138-02879-1.
Kaliatka A. [LEI], Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI].
Analysis of heat removal accidents during the wet storage phase in Ignalina nuclear power plant
The 26th international symposium on transport phenomena . Leoben, Austria: 2015, p. 1-8..
Kaliatka T. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI].
Integrated assessment of thermal hydraulic processes in W7-X fusion experimental facility
The 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16). Chicago, IL, USA: 2015, p. 6517-6529..
Žutautaitė I. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Eid M., Rekašius T..
Integrated probabilistic assessment of failure of natural gas pipeline
Proceedings of the 48th ESReDA Seminar Critical Infrastructures Preparedness: Status of Data for Resilience Modelling, Simulation and Analysis. Wroclaw, Poland: 2015, p. 1-12..
Žutautaitė I. [LEI], Dundulis R., Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Janulionis R. [LEI].
Integrated estimation of pipeline failure probability
Safety and Reliability: Methodology and Applications – Proceedings of the European safety and reliability conference ESREL 2014. Wroclaw, Poland, September 14-18, 2014. Wroclaw, Poland: 2015, p. 417-422. ISBN 978-1-138-02681-0.
Dundulis G. [LEI], Janulionis R. [LEI], Grybėnas A. [LEI].
Deterministic-probabilistic structural integrity analysis of the gas transmission pipelines
Proceedings of the 48th ESReDA Seminar, May 28-29, 2015. Wroclaw, Poland: 2015, p. 1-8..
Alzbutas R. [LEI], Voronov R. [LEI].
RAMI and PSA application for efficiency of fusion device
25th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) 2015 September 7 - 10. Zurich, Switzerland: Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2015, p. 287-295. ISBN 978-1-138-02879-1.
Tidikas A. [LEI].
Radioactivity assessment in nuclear fusion reactors
Medical physics in the Baltic States 12 (2015). Proceedings of the International Conference „Medical Physics in the Baltic States“ 5 - 7 November 2015, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2015, p. 81-83. ISSN 1822-5721.
Augutis J. [LEI], Jokšas B. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI], Urbonas R. [LEI].
The aggregate energy sector criticality risk assessment
Proceedings of the 48th ESReDA Seminar Critical Infrastructures Preparedness: Status of Data for Resilience Modelling, Simulation and Analysis. Wroclaw, Poland: 2015, p. 1-12..
Augutis J. [LEI], Jokšas B. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI], Urbonas R. [LEI].
The aggregate energy sector criticality risk assessment
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association. Poland, Wroclaw: 2015, Vol. 6, No. 3, p. 61-69. ISSN 2084-5316.
Drūlia M. [LEI].
The influence of unique water physical properties on the calculation of water-vapor interface condensation
12th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2015), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 27–28, 2015. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2015, p. 254-259. ISSN 1822-7554.
Tidikas A. [LEI].
Investigation of demo structural material characteristics induced by neutron irradiation
12th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2015), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 27–28, 2015. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2015, p. 428-435. ISSN 1822-7554.
Šutas A., Vileiniškis V. [LEI].
Uncertainty analysis of severe accident in the spent fuel pool
12th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2015), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 27–28, 2015. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2015, p. 418-427. ISSN 1822-7554.
Iešmantas T. [LEI], Alzbutas R. [LEI].
Adjustment factors in Bayesian reliability assessment for demo fusion technology
12th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2015), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 27–28, 2015. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2015, p. 368-379. ISSN 1822-7554.
Drūlia M. [LEI].
Unikalių vandens fizinių savybių įtaka kondensacijai tarpfaziniame paviršiuje
Šilumos energetika ir technologijos - 2015: konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2015 sausio 29-30 . Kaunas: Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2015, p. 152-155. ISSN 2335-2485.
Kaliatka T. [LEI].
W7-X įrenginio, apsaugos nuo slėgio padidėjimo sistemos modeliavimas
Šilumos energetika ir technologijos - 2015: konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2015 sausio 29-30 . Kaunas: Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2015, p. 131-137. ISSN 2335-2485.
Slavickas A. [LEI].
Garo reaktyvumo koeficiento tyrimas trimačiame kuro rinklės modelyje
Šilumos energetika ir technologijos - 2015: konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2015 sausio 29-30 . Kaunas: Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2015, p. 125-129. ISSN 2335-2485.
Šeputytė I., Alzbutas R. [LEI].
Tikimybinis ekstremalių temperatūrų dinamikos vertinimas
Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys. Vilnius: Lietuvos matematikų draugija, 2015, Ser. B, T. 56, p. 35-40. ISSN 0132-2818.